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RE: Playing Gauntlet on c64

in #dlive7 years ago


I was at the gym Yesterday, but for a week now I will have to train on my own as @omsoc is taking a holiday trip to Malta. My body is not sleeker, but I seem to have more muscle mass. And after Yesterday my legs are feeling quite sore from from training. I wonder if I should up my cardio efforts though.


Good stuff bud. The body will take shape as you keep training, consistency is key. I have a four day a week program made for men over 40 and it only takes me 55min a session, but it is hard work and the results are seen after 12 weeks, but it has to be consistent. Also the way we eat is important, I have no starches or carb after three p.m and try and avoid sugar as much as possible allowing for a little cheating over weekends. Just keep at it bud, you've started a good thing. Cardio is never a bad thing, but I would try and stick to low joint impact exercises like swimming and cycling. Hour or so per session twice a week.

Thanks! I am perplexed at how difficult it is to resist eating those carbs though. That's one of my major problem areas. I'm not fat but I'm not particularly slim either, and finding those sixpacks is still a project I haven't been able to see any progress in.

And the older one gets the harder it becomes to achieve that goal. Before 35 it's all workout, after 35 it starts swinging toward intake control. The struggle is real mate, the struggle is real. Try cutting the carbs out only Monday to Friday and none after lunchtime.