Command and Conquer Red Alert 2 - When you think about an RTS game, the words: micro, macro, APM and zerg rush come to mind. Well, they won't with Red Alert. It may have issues, but this is the most fun you'll have playing an RTS. Where else can you strap TNT to a cow and blow up an enemy base with it?
Play Red Alert 2 in Multiplayer –
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My video is at DLive
I've owned and played all of the Command and Conquer PC version games. Even after all these years of playing them I still do every now and then, Rise of the Reds being my favorite mod currently.
Did you also play red alert in the time they still had a monthly ranking?
I did. I'm so old that I bought and played them at the time they first came out. A friend and I would wait until the wives went to bed then stay up until around 2am with cordless headsets on playing online. No wonder I was never a morning person back then.
To bad those good old times have passed by 😥
Do you still remember how many people were playing red alert online? Did the ledenpas
Ranking contain hundreds or thousands of people? Or even more?
I don't remember how many. I know I wasn't breaking any records that's for certain.
I still remember that I was a top25 or top 50 player. Having several accounts in that top25/50 and also a few around 100 or below. To have fun and beat higher ranked players. I still remember those higher ranked didn't like that because you lose more points to a lower ranked opponent.
That is awesome, congrats. If you ever saw me in a game my screen name was/is always "harrydangler"
Never owned this game, but it was so much fun I used to go to my girlfriend's house just to watch her younger brother play this on his PC. Guess I wasn't very interested in the girl.
YES! You added the RA2 Intro! hahaha ... loved it!
This is one of my fav games.
Can I actually play the game against someone else?
How does it work? Will it download a full copy?
If you wanna play you have to buy it from Origin and after install the multiplayer from here