Weekly LiveStream talking about Prepping and related matters. Please post a question in the chat and myself and the panel will give you our opinions from the Preppers Perpective.
Panel Members today are:
Geordie Prepper
Be safe and prepared
Geordie Prepper
FaceBook - geordieprepper
Twitter - https://www.twitter.com/geordieprepper
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/geordieprepper/
Minds - https://www.minds.com/geordieprepper
gab.ai - https://gab.ai/geordieprepper
Steemit - https://steemit.com/@geordieprepper
BitChute - https://www.bitchute.com/geordieprepper/
Pewtube - https://pewtube.com/user/Geordie_Prepper
Discord Prepper Group - https://discord.gg/255Td3q
Telegram Prepper Group - https://t.me/joinchat/Ew0lTBDgnPDDJ84uBQYbsA
UK Amazon - http://amzn.to/2CLBScx
Prepper Discord server - https://discord.gg/255Td3q
Preppers Steemit Group - @preppersonline
Advertise on this livestream or the pre-recorded show: https://steemit.com/advert/@geordieprepper/advertise-on-preppers-perspective-updated
My live stream is at DLive
Post a comment and we'll answer
Any questions from anyone?
Any questions from anyone?
I'm having problems posting comments