Very cool. I enjoyed it. Sorry to digress a bit
I've seen hist and preacher videos (legion tank ranking) and from what i understood, paladin will excel in survivability, flashiness and leveling/soloing, but will lack in damage output compared to warriors and druids.
Can a Paladin be MT if his partner is a Druid/warrior??? would agro generation be too much of a problem?
Thank you @acidyo and others for your kind responses, all will be much apreciated.
The concept of "Main Tank" and "Off Tank" are outdated and not representative of the current and probable future tankIMG mrta. It's better to simply use the term "Tank".
In regards to your question , I don't have beta access, and have zero interest in it, but if the agro mechanics are in anyway similar to WoD, as long as you and your co-tank are decent, agro will be a non issue. At most it will dictate who should pull the boss
Preach is clueless to anything that doesn't involve picking his nose. Paladins are fine for dmg and not lacking in damage output. Agro generation is fine, and hasn't been relevant for at least a few expansions.