
La vida siempre es hermosa! :-)
Nicely added.

My lungs are recovering gradually. I fell a bit better now, but still there are some weeks of relaxation ahead. I hope I can surf again in May which is one of the best months here on the island :-)

Have a wonderful day, and thanks for stopping by!!

I apologize if I mistype, my Spanish is weak, so I am trusting Google Translate.

La vida siempre es hermosa si tienes una mente hermosa.

Enjoy your rest - although I imagine someone like you doesn't like lounging around too much.

Your Spanish was perfect! :-)

Currently I am forced to rest. It'll take me a couple of weeks more to fully recover from my breathing issues. I suffered an infection of the lungs which is quite disappointing because I can't surf for a looooong while... So yes, I'm lounging around :-)