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RE: ShipREKT Gold - Another Reason Bitcoin is Better than Gold

in #dlive7 years ago

Bitcoin is already the Gold standard of cryptocurrency. There is a certain level of domination it holds that is hard earned and difficult to beat.

Dude I love Bitcoin and I respect and admire you immensely. But I have to say that considering bitcoin superior to gold is .............. there is no easier way of saying this is bit of a stretch, to be polite. Although I am a pretty agreeable guy but

Let me just say that any and all encryption can be beaten (given enough time). This is not a problem we face now but the truth is that maybe in a few decades hacks will not happen by exploiting bugs but they might happen by actually hacking through the encryption itself.

Just like Bitcoin has proven its worth amongst crypto in that past decade, Gold has done the same for past several millennia. The gold reserves of the world have also been explored for past thousands of years and the flow of it in the world has been regulated by for a long time as well. The 'regulation' also means that gold has had the time to entangle with corrupt ideologies and yet survive as the standard for money.

In my mind Gold is the essential definition of money. Cryptos too like all other money are susceptible to inflation and exploitation. I love cryptocurrencies because they have the power of decentralization and by that extension a potential of bringing us out from under the thumb of government endorsed financial slavery.

As for the scenarios where Gold enters our financial sphere from space, we definitely need a scenario to deal with it. Although it is a statistical improbability (because even after an existence of earth in cooled state for 4 billion years, we rarely find gold extracted from a meteorite) but it is not an impossibility - just like the fact that no matter the strength of encryption, it can be vulnerable in future.