
Hello Boss Have a Nice stream .

Go Lonely Lodge For win . Theirs loot very good

hello, President @imjohnnymills :) how are you today :) how was work today :)

play with tigerlily9000 good game dude wkwkwk :D


I see you're very handsome today. as usual. :) baya katili @imjohnnymills <3

serious game fghfhjgh

that's a nice new costume. but the previous costume was very charismatic :)

bayan katili :D

abi çıldırıyorum çocuk troll fdgdfhgdfh

ne diyor :D

cocuk işte ne desin çalı geliyor çalıdan korkun felan :D

I making Turkish translate @imjohnnymills :D

who's that kid? hahahahhahahahahah :D

hahhahahahahhah iyimiş :D @onlinegamer çocugun seide komedi :D

@jimmylin hey sir why don't you play?

@imjohnnymills and I broke up, we don't play together anymore

ollllleey :d jimy dont join him we play together :D

tell me jimmylin's joking.

I've been replaced by @tigerlily9000

since when did you break up with imjohn @jimmylin wkwkwkwk

I can't let that happen.

you are the perfect fornite team.

@tigerlily9000 you will not break this team. I'il never let that happen..............................

RPG ' s hitbox to long be careful . Dont sploded yourself

@imjohnnymills Why are you crying? @shankstaicho The elephant is dead. @imjohnnymills Was he your pet? @shankstaicho No, but I'm the one who must dig his grave.

I have to go early today, unfortunately :( I was very tired today , take care of yourself @imjohnnymills good games and good nights :)

Have a good one! :)

Your pump skills very good . ım impressed

the best streamer jiimys's stream onn :D ım going to him :D good night boss

Oovv good game👍🏼👍🏼

Nice play

Hiho 👊 Kill them all! 😀

GGs! Thanks for stopping by everyone =P

I'm fatany.
Upvote my friend..Hy @imjohnnymills very good the post.