Bitcoin Questions, Answers, and Dance Music! DLive Test #2

in #dlive7 years ago (edited)


Will we see cryptocurrency price charts update live here, talk about Bitcoin, make predictions about what cryptocurrencies are the best to buy/sell, and help fuel the passion we have for a new financial order in our world because together we are making a difference just chatting here? Thank you for joining us on this second test of @dlive featuring live charts promoting Steem and my CC0 music in the background!

If DLive crashes again, the stream is also available at


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What am I invested in?
Steem is what I am all in on at

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Thank you to the following websites for the live charts which are featured here!

Terms for speaking on the live stream voice chat!
Family friendly language!
Maximum of 3 minutes speaking uninterrupted if others are waiting!
Music mutes automatically when someone talks!
Focus conversation on crypto!
Be transparent about any affiliations, investments, and referrals made.

Thank you for helping me test @dlive again today!

Jerry Banfield

My live stream is at DLive

There are 2 pages

Do you think BTC will go under 10 for an amazing buying opportunity?

It would be very unlikely for BTC to hit $10 USD.

If it does maybe it will go down even further I guess. Will be interesting to follow!

We are better off buying STEEM and making profit than hoping for BTC to hit $10 USD. However, crypto is crazy lol

Good point. Definately hodl'ing steem. Sold some SBD while at 15. Confident Steem and SBD will go up later!

seems to be falling quite a bit now...

The market hype is completely missing out on steem now. People invest in coins that they can easily understand in a one line tweet or few second advertisement. they don't dig deep.

We can see that steem is extremely undervalued, so what I do is invest and wait for the hype to come my way.

I think both STEEM and BTC will go up. Hodl both.

Nice post, beautifully presented and explained. detail oriented with nice pics. thank you for sharing this with us, Upvoted

Check my latest post in my blog @kingjan

Best crypto in 2018: EOS.

could be, who knows?

Great info.

BTC is going down like bloom and white.....

Great, currently bitcoin price is falling and also effecting the other cryptocurrencies, i am not a fan of bitcoin but, i want to know the future of SBD and Steem. Can you share your opinions?

Have a great day and stay blessed.

Thanks jerrybanfield your all videos and post on steemit really helpful for us thanks for sharing with us

How to mine Steem?

This is the question which keeps hitting my head. I am unable to find the answer because all the resources are kinda old. I will be happy if you will help me. Thanks in advance:) @jerrybanfield

You must be a witness to mine steem. Jerry has made a couple of videos on the subject, if you can't find them on steemit try youtube.

OK sure! I will check that on YT

Appreciate for it.
Hope sometimes you do come and upvote some of my blog post.

Keep up the good work!. I appreciate your views. I've been watching your vids on Youtube since July and you provide lots of good info. Come to think of it, you where the first to introduce Steemit to me. :)

Much appreciated jerrybanfield your everything recordings and post on steemit extremely accommodating for us a debt of gratitude is in order for imparting to us..

Upvoted and resteemed

live broadcasting at dlive channelahan @jeerybanfield

nice post! keep it up. Thanks for sharing ^^

good post for update of cryptocurrency

Looks like it is working!

really it is going to happen

good post

Comments still working?

hey jerry can you make a video about dmania

Live broadcast!!!! This would for sure be an eye opener.

How low do you think Bitcoin cash will go?

the latest information, and is very useful for me @jerrybanfield. thank you so much.

As Always Awesome Post With Informative Content...

And Started my own blog
Please Have a look
Also @jerrybanfeild i inspired from You @geekyman

What a wonderful explanation, my friend Jerry.
I wish you a lot of success. :)

hehe thank for info

Nice post. I must appreciate your various posts on cryptocurrencies and said thank you bery much. I follow and upvote you.

Great Info sir

What’S your opinion about Stellar and Storj? I put some money on storj and I want to know more about stellar

sir what is your prediction about crypto currency for the upcoming year

how can i delegate my steempower to you

jerrybanfield.https: // linke 0.10 sbd I sent but you did not vote.

How can i delegate my streempower to you

I am watching on DLIVE Jerry!

Awesome thank you Joe!

Nice music :)


Ripple has now surpassed ETH at market value, currently it's in the $ 2 dollar range, how long do you think the currency is worth about $ 500 dollars in 2018?

What is the best cryptocurrency to invest at present

wasap guys

We essentially mine Steem with posts. Witnesses also do what we normally call "mining" in other currencies

There are 2 pages