How to Earn Commissions for Life with Affiliate Marketing?

in #dlive7 years ago


Will you join me in discovering the best affiliate marketing system I've ever seen because you don't have to go around spamming links and wasting a bunch of time hustling and struggling to make a few affiliate commissions like I did when I started my business?

Best Affiliate Marketing System for Entrepreneurs to Earn Commissions for Life?

What's even better about this system is it allows even an entrepreneur with no following to make high commissions in an honest way that's fully transparent with all the FTC guidelines and affiliate marketing terms and conditions of different programs.

Using this setup makes it easier to get accepted by affiliate marketing programs. This setup also makes it much easier to send pay-per-click traffic to the page and to avoid needing to link spam.

This affiliate marketing system has taken me years to develop after hustling, struggling and messing it up a lot. Will you take a look at it because I think you will love it?


Best Affiliate Marketing System for Entrepreneurs to Earn Commissions for Life?

This is my idea of the best affiliate marketing setup in the world. Here it is on my website at

Will you take a look at this because seeing is believing?

Best Affiliate Marketing System for Entrepreneurs to Earn Commissions for Life?

Here's how I do it after I've done it a bunch of other ways, I've had a lot of other things that didn't work, and this works really well to maximize the value provided to each individual that sees the page.

When I show you more about this, you will see what I mean. Here's what I do on my page. On my resources page, you can see it starts out with a little story.

This resources page has all the things I use in my business online.

When it sinks in you feel like, "Oh, my God. This is amazing."

That's what it did for me.

I thought, "Wow, why don't I just do it this way?"

You can see it starts with asking a question: What equipment, software, and services do I trust to sustain my business online?

It has a little story of when I started out and I had no idea what equipment to use, basically explaining how much time and energy most of us waste as entrepreneurs online trying to figure it out ourselves, researching, reading reviews, and trying different products.

I wasted thousands of hours and dollars fooling around trying to do it myself because I never found something just like this. I explained that in the initial story, "After years of confusion I committed to figuring it all out and sharing exactly what I learned all in one place."

The idea with this affiliate marketing system is to go all-in on one page and to put everything in that one page in a way that's honest, because on this page these are the things I actually use.

This makes it easier to trust. What I've got, as we can see is a ridiculous number of affiliate programs all on this one page and it's really simple.

Best Affiliate Marketing System for Entrepreneurs to Earn Commissions for Life?

I took the pictures off because they are too much of a pain. They look disorganized if they are not all the same size. It's too hard, so I just took all the pictures off.

Now, not all of these links are affiliate links, I just put some things here because I use them. Some of the programs actually rejected me as an affiliate, which is fine.

This page is full of all of my affiliate programs for things I actually use.

I don't put anything on this page that I don't use.

Therefore, the idea is to simply make a master page something like "Resources" where we have got every single thing we use all on one page. This way, whenever I reference something that I use, I say, "Will you go to to learn more about it?"

The only link I ever share is because I don't direct share any affiliate links.

This way, all the traffic comes to my website first, and then goes out to the affiliate programs from there. One person can come to this page and I can earn with that person's help 10,000 plus dollars in affiliate commissions from one ordinary entrepreneur like me.

I will show you how and explain more about this page and how it's set up.

Here, for example, is what I use for my website hosting.

I tested a bunch of other web hosts. I wasted tons of time and energy fooling around with web hosts that sucked, that were horrible, that my website, when it went viral and got a lot of traffic, it would crash, and then the website would suddenly slow down for no reason, things would stop working.

Best Affiliate Marketing System for Entrepreneurs to Earn Commissions for Life?

I went through at least four different other web hosts before I hit

When I got to, they did not have an affiliate program. I found Kinsta by googling "WordPress Google Cloud Platform."

I realized that I wanted my website on something like Amazon Web Services that was really fast and I found Kinsta by googling for "WordPress Google cloud platform" after I compared "Google Cloud Platform" with "Amazon Web Services."

Then, I used Kinsta and I still have Kinsta.

I love Kinsta.

Kinsta is the best web host I've ever found because on when my website goes viral, all I do is pay for the extra bandwidth.

When 10,000,000 people come through my website in one day Kinsta effortlessly scales that because it's got Google Cloud Platform time.

This is the only web host I see that allows this. Any other web host, a viral spike in traffic will crash the website just out of too much traffic. That's why I love Kinsta.

It's a hundred dollars a month, so it's more expensive than some of the cheap ones, but it's much less than a lot of other web hosts for much better value.

Now, Kinsta recently launched a partner program. What I do is explain that in the first paragraph, then I have a link to Kinsta, and then what I do is I ask, "When you want the very best in WordPress hosting will you please learn more about Kinsta using my link because…?"

This is a basic set up, this is a qualification: "When you want the very best in WordPress hosting," If you are the right person, "will you please learn more about Kinsta by using my link."

That's a very clear call to action.

Then I have reasons with, "because you will love Kinsta's WordPress hosting as much as I do."

Best Affiliate Marketing System for Entrepreneurs to Earn Commissions for Life?

Self-interest, and then "you will feel great about helping me earn 10 percent monthly recurring lifetime commissions as an affiliate."

That's transparent interest on my part.

So, I've included a reason based on how the user on the page will feel, their self-interest, and I've included my reason, my self-interest, along with obviously wanting to help and have the experience be easier than I had.

I think this particular phrasing is very important because it complies with affiliate terms and conditions. These affiliate programs require us to disclose when we are earning money by someone using a link.

The FTC in the USA requires affiliates to disclose not just in a little thing on the bottom of the page, but in proximity to the link. This setup then encourages people to bookmark the page, come back to it and intentionally use the affiliate links instead of just clicking, and then three months later going and buying it.

It's honest, it's transparent, and here's the thing, when one person does this, one person that pays the same as I do for web hosting can earn me a hundred and twenty dollars a year signing up for Kinsta.

That same person then going down to email marketing and signing up for the same email marketing plan I have can then earn me another $600 a year from the email marketing campaign.

Best Affiliate Marketing System for Entrepreneurs to Earn Commissions for Life?

That same person then going down to buy some more things on this one page has the ability to give me more affiliate commissions, and if it's you that's doing that, thank you, because this is a collaboration.

The purpose of a page like this is to give you a list of services that are really helpful, where the entrepreneur can come to the page and find everything in one spot, and you can verify it works from seeing if it's working for me.

On here you have got my website hosting, my email marketing, the software I'm using to record this video right now.

You can see exactly what I host the video courses with. You can see my accounting software, audiobooks, even including buying my books, the spreadsheet I use to collaborate and keep things current with freelancers, my Coinbase wallet, the microphone I'm talking into to record my videos, the sound processor, the USB audio interface, the headphones I use, the monitor this is being recorded on, the webcam it's on, the secondary webcam, if I bring up my keyboard like this for music.

Best Affiliate Marketing System for Entrepreneurs to Earn Commissions for Life?

I also show the light bulbs that are lighting, the paper lanterns covering them up, the battery backups this is on, in case of power glitches, and I think it did during this, the MIDI controller I've got to play, the WordPress theme.

This one page is the kitchen sink then.

I've repeated the same format I just showed you on this entire page and all it takes is one person who loves what we do, one follower, one, and we have the ability to earn a thousand dollars easily, over a period of say a year in commissions from one enthusiastic follower.

Now, that's something any entrepreneur can do and this is very refer-your-friends friendly. When you set a page like this up, then you start telling your friends like I do: "Hey, if you want to start your business, if you want to take a look at what I use on my resources page, this will show you all the stuff I use."

This is very good for an entrepreneur, a home business owner getting started because every single person that comes through this page, especially if you have referred them through word-of-mouth and you know them, it makes it really easy to simply collaborate with the people we already know.

When we actually have a following as I'm grateful there are two and a half million people following me today and I consistently guide when people ask, "Jerry, what do you use on my live stream?"


This is what I use.

Nearly everything I use is listed. There are so many things that even when spending hours updating this page yesterday, I still have ten or fifteen more products I need to add like this tripod to hold my phone up when I do a live stream.

Best Affiliate Marketing System for Entrepreneurs to Earn Commissions for Life?

I need to add that on there still, and the beauty of this page is that it's one thing to maintain.

I've switched a lot of the things since I started on this page, and then all I've done is just deleted that entry from the page. Therefore, this page is ideal for bookmarking because you can see over time what I'm using.

Let's say I deleted something or you can see I've changed it. I used to have different email marketing and I used to have a different website host on this page. If you have been following me over time what you will have noticed is that the web host and the email marketing have changed. You will notice there's a new entry up on the top for blogging, vlogging and investing as well.

This gives me the ability then to send pay-per-click traffic to this page with any different kind of Ad I want to.

What I've been doing is testing out some ads that say things like, "Which website hosting do I use?" that is targeted just to people who have already watched my YouTube videos, and then on the off chance that someone who's watched one of my YouTube videos is browsing around on Google sees my display ad, it says, "Best website hosting for 2018."

Then, the traffic comes to this page.

Best Affiliate Marketing System for Entrepreneurs to Earn Commissions for Life?

I've earned a lot of commissions doing direct pay-per-click display ads traffic to other affiliate programs, but the problem is I only have the chance to earn with that affiliate program, and that kind of marketing also often does not comply with advertisers affiliate program terms.

Sending direct traffic through things like pay-per-click can violate affiliate program terms, and then you can get banned from the affiliate program right when you have got it set up well.

The way I'm doing this on the page, I don't have to worry about that because the affiliate manager sees all the traffic coming from, and when it is time for my affiliate checks on that, paying me commissions, the affiliate manager sees a website that's fully compliant with the affiliate program terms and conditions.

Then, when I apply to affiliate programs, I say, "Hey, I'm going to add you on this page along with everything else I use." It makes it easier to get accepted to an affiliate program.

This is nice because you don't need a bunch of followers, you don't need a website that you have paid a bunch of money for. You can throw a page up like this easily when you use the WordPress hosting I do for $100 a month, when you use the WordPress theme I use, wherever that is on this page.

The WordPress theme, when you do this WordPress theme I use, the "Enfold WordPress" theme, it's very easy to throw a page up like this, to throw a front page up and you can literally have almost nothing on your website and have a professional-looking domain to get accepted into affiliate marketing programs.

Best Affiliate Marketing System for Entrepreneurs to Earn Commissions for Life?

You can then use pay-per-click traffic to send people, if desired, to this page, and you can say things like "Best web host for 2018," and then they go to this page.

Here's the cool thing, what I've noticed in my business and seven years online is I often need to be ready for unexpected results. When I have an ad that says, "Best website host for 2018" someone may click that ad and come to this page on my website, but they may end up being more interested in something else on this page.

They may have been more interested in shopping for a web host, but actually ready to convert on say email marketing or video course hosting because they already have a website host and they are considering changing.

I remember researching for months before I actually was ready to convert on something like a website host.

If you just do affiliate marketing with links spamming and trying to send straight to the affiliate, the problem is there is no where to bookmark.

With this system I've got, when someone clicks on my pay-per-click ad that says, "Best web site host for 2018," they find my page here at

Then, let's say the user who clicked on it is in the research process and wants to change web hosts, therefore, is not ready to actually make the switch today, but who will be ready to make the switch within a month or two after discovering what I've written on here, this encourages that entrepreneur who has clicked on that Google ad to bookmark this specific page on "," and then come back to it to remember what was on here.

Best Affiliate Marketing System for Entrepreneurs to Earn Commissions for Life?

The entrepreneur clicking on it is likely to say, "Oh, okay. That website hosting Jerry uses looks really good because obviously, his website is working really well. I'll bookmark that page and in a month when I'm ready to switch web hosts, I'll come back to that page, I'll use his affiliate link, and then I'll help him get the commission because I like him."

That's what we really want to go for affiliate marketing, it’s that loyalty, and this does not require a bunch of followers, a bunch of traffic, because even just five or ten friends can provide massive conversions.

You might think, "Okay, Jerry. That's great. I don't have any friends that are entrepreneurs. I work by myself."

What I also do on here, is I put all the things I use.

For example, I have a podcast hosting.

Now, you might not know any friends that are looking to start a full-blown business, but you might have a friend who is interested in starting a podcast.

Best Affiliate Marketing System for Entrepreneurs to Earn Commissions for Life?

You see, when we throw everything into one page there is a lot of opportunities. You might not have any friends that are entrepreneurs, but you might have some friends with student loan debt.

What I'm able to do now is just put everything I use on here. I've got my student loans refinanced at a much lower interest rate.

It took it down from 6.5% to about 3.5 or 4%.

I've got student loan refinancing on this page, and I’m able to earn $300 any time anyone signs up using my link for student loan refinancing.

Now, you might think that wouldn't happen very often and it doesn't have to.

That's one $300 commission, it doesn't have to happen very often.

Best Affiliate Marketing System for Entrepreneurs to Earn Commissions for Life?

One person bookmarks this page and goes through a whole bunch of these links, and that starts to add up.

I'm grateful I have earned so many referrals on LastPass, I may never have to pay for LastPass premium again.

I have things like LendingClub on here, it's a personal loan for starting a business.

I used a personal loan to help myself from going out of business and running out of money. On here though, you might have a friend that just needs a personal loan, who is not interested in starting a business, and you might be able to convert on something like this.

The idea is to just throw every single thing you use in here, and then apply to affiliate programs, watch for referral programs on all the different services you use. It has taken me years to get this together, to get into affiliate programs.

Kinsta did not have an affiliate program when I put this up. Some of these like Wirecast changed affiliate programs, which required changing links.

I had a friend who was on my "Business Partners," and I was sending traffic to his ActiveCampaign, but he terminated his subscription.

Best Affiliate Marketing System for Entrepreneurs to Earn Commissions for Life?

Now, I signed up for the ActiveCampaign's affiliate program and the affiliate links go to my ActiveCampaign instead of his.

I changed Video Course Hosting several times, Thinkific just put a partner program up, so now I've got Thinkific.

The beauty of this page is that we can reorder it based on commissions. We can simply put the things that people are buying the most on the top of the page, and we can rotate things in and out.

This page then, is one static resource that stays here for a long period of time and whatever earns the highest commissions, all we need to do is just shift that up on the page, and let's say things are not earning very good commissions we can just push that down farther and farther on the page to allow it to still potentially earn some commissions, and to focus on whatever does earn the best commissions.

This makes the ideal user experience as well, because then when people come to this page, I know based on what people are buying what people are most likely to want visiting this page.

Therefore, I'm able to help users come to this page and find exactly what is desired as fast as possible.

I'm able to send everyone from YouTube, Facebook, my blog on Steem, everywhere, everyone goes to this one page now, and then this one page stays the same.

If I get removed out of an affiliate program or if an affiliate program gets dropped, then this page still stays the same.

Best Affiliate Marketing System for Entrepreneurs to Earn Commissions for Life?

What I've done with a lot of my affiliate marketing is if I got terminated from that affiliate marketing program for violating the conditions on it, then all the links I had set up through organic search, that I'd worked so hard to rank, all became useless and that's what happens.

A lot of affiliate marketing, the advertiser can't afford to pay commissions to successful affiliates all the time.

The advertiser essentially bets on the fact that the affiliate will violate the terms and conditions. The affiliate will send broken links to the advertiser, the affiliate will help brand the advertiser and as all the affiliates like me, all the times I've messed up that, then the advertiser gets essentially all these free sales that they don't have to pay commissions because I'm no longer in the program from all these organic traffic sources I set up, that now don't count anymore because I had a link on a YouTube video or I put a link on Facebook or something like that.

This solution is an ideal long-term solution and for affiliate marketing, I've learned the hard way that we want to do everything long-term.

We want to think, "How do I earn the most commissions over the next 10 years and not just the next 10 minutes, 10 hours, 10 days or 10 weeks?"

We want to think, "How do I set up something that people will come back to indefinitely?"

The beauty of this page is it’s memorable.

When you see all the stuff on this page, it's a resource by itself that even if you don't click any of the links, even if I don't make any money on it, even if someone comes on this page and simply googles everything or incognito window, doesn't use any of my links, it's still something that by itself is helpful.

When we make resources that are helpful people are likely to share those resources.

Someone might come to this page and never use an affiliate link on it, but find it so helpful that they will share that on social media, and then someone who finds it on a friend's account might come to it and bookmark it, and I earn thousands of dollars or commissions on it over the next 10 years.

That's what we want.

It's one page for everyone to go to and here's the best part about this.

Are you ready for it?

Best Affiliate Marketing System for Entrepreneurs to Earn Commissions for Life?

The best part about this, which I've waited 20 plus minutes to get into, this page when we put all these things on one page, this becomes ideal for Google organic search.

Now, if you want to do affiliate marketing, the very best thing that's possible is to get found in Google organic search.

A lot of us feel like it's hopeless to just try to compete with all these other websites that have already worked all these affiliate marketing programs over and put all these reviews up.

This gives us a chance to get found in Google search using it this way.

It works on the long-tail keywords. Let's say someone searches for "Wirecast Camtasia Thinkific Snagit Kinsta."

Now, a lot of people aren't going to search for that, but when one person does, I am on on the first page and may become the number one result in time. This page then is a juggernaut and pulls in organic traffic every month for me on Google, and the more you improve it and add to it, the better it does. All those weird search terms that no one even tries to compete for, this page then becomes one of the only pages on the Internet, if not the only one that has all of these different random terms on it.

This gives an ideal solution then to get that Google organic search ranking, and when we get that Google organic search ranking, there are so many good things that can happen, we can barely comprehend them.

Most of the people I've found that have joined my partner program have come from organic traffic sources who found me when they were searching for something I helped with.

When we have a membership program, when we have video courses, when we have a podcast, when we have anything we want to sell or we want viewers or readers on, setting up a page like this gives us a great chance to get found in that organic search traffic and to make a lifetime follower out of it.

It's not just having someone who comes to us, clicks a link and we make a commission, which is just another number on a report, but to have someone who is so blown away by what we have created that says, "Wow, this is amazing. I love this guy. This guy's helped me so much that I'm going to start following him."

I've read tons of blog posts and tutorials that have helped me, and I've rarely started following the person because all they did was help me with one particular problem.

When we set things up in this format, we have the ability to help everyone finding it to learn what they don't know they don't know, and that is the kind of help that people keep coming back for.

Best Affiliate Marketing System for Entrepreneurs to Earn Commissions for Life?

I have a friend, @tomasgeorge, who is on my partner program list and a music producer. He has a masters in music production and he has helped me so much with my journey in learning music production, to figure out what I don't know I don't know.

Setting up our affiliate marketing on a resources page like this that simply lists everything we actually use allows us to help people discover, when someone finds our page, what they don't know they don't know.

For example, let's say someone finds my pay-per-click ad for "Best website host," comes to this page and discovers on here live-streaming and green screen video tutorial software.

They might not even have thought to try to do that. When I first started recording videos, I didn't think to get a software that would help me record videos and do a Chromakey and a green screen, I didn't even think of that.

Someone who comes here for website hosting might not have ever considered video course hosting, might go click on a page and learn about Thinkific.

They realize, "Wow, I'll start doing video courses."

One thing I didn't think of for years was using QuickBooks self-employed, syncing up automatically with my business bank accounts to do my accounting.

Now, this has relatively small commissions. When someone signs up for this using my link, I may get a $30 gift card, not a massive commission compared to some of the other things, but this is one of those forms of help people really appreciate.

"Wow, I went to Jerry's page and I discovered QuickBooks self-employed."

A lot of entrepreneurs are just doing freestyle books, going back and doing spreadsheets, that's how I did things for the first several years. When you discover something that's this helpful, that promotes word-of-mouth marketing.

"Hey, have you seen Jerry's resources page? I went there for website hosting, but I found QuickBooks self-employed and that was fantastically helpful."

Audiobooks, things like Audible or Airtable, these are things often my friends have referred me to over time.

For example, my friend Jordan referred me to Airtable and when he referred me to Airtable that was fantastically helpful for me.

He used a direct link to Airtable. If he instead had a resources page on his website, I might have discovered several other things he uses that he didn't think to tell me about during our calls.

For example, a gaming monitor with HDMI output.

If you do live streaming like I do, or you record screen-capture videos, a gaming monitor with a HDMI output is a godsend. It makes live streaming so ridiculously easy because you can just do everything on one computer, and then have a dedicated live streaming or recording computer on the other one.

Best Affiliate Marketing System for Entrepreneurs to Earn Commissions for Life?

You can pull anything out of one monitor. This is one of those things I found live streaming games that was fantastically helpful and it took me so long to figure it out the hard way using different capture cards, getting lag and finally googling and googling for gaming hacks, things to speed up, things to give me an advantage.


Then I found this:

Gaming monitor with an HDMI output.

As far as I know, there is only one company that makes these monitors, I've got an Amazon affiliate link, and then when someone buys one of these off of the page, they may not even have been there for that purpose, but found it really helpful, it makes a huge difference. They are full of gratitude and they are coming back.

Here's another thing, the webcam.

The last thing I tried to get my Chromakey to work better was a better webcam.

It turns out all I needed was a better webcam to get this beautiful face, as I'm looking at it now, to look better.

This other webcam I used, after tons of Amazon research, I found a better one.

You see when we put a page together like this it's an all-in approach and lots of times in life things that are an all-in approach, that's transparent and honest, work really well.

You might ask, "How much money have you earned off of this?"

I have earned thousands of dollars in commissions with very little effort prior to this promoting it. I have poured almost nothing into promoting this page and I've been testing this out for a few years, and I recently just did a huge update.

Now, I've earned great commissions on this before I had the Kinsta affiliate program, before I had the ActiveCampaign affiliate program, before I had the video hosting affiliate campaign program.

Best Affiliate Marketing System for Entrepreneurs to Earn Commissions for Life?

I earned several thousand dollars in commissions last year just on Coinbase. That used to be higher up on the page.

Amazon, I get payments every month on Amazon's affiliate program and a lot of these are affiliate program links on Amazon. If you don't put the disclosures like I do on here, it's easy to get banned from the Amazon affiliate program according to what I've heard from others.

On nearly every one of these affiliate programs on this page, even the ones way down on the bottom, I've earned commissions on. You might think having something halfway down on a giant page like this doesn't work, but I've earned commissions on Camtasia and GoDaddy way down here.

I just checked the WordPress theme way down here on the page and I got a hundred-dollar payment coming.

I have about $50 for GoTranscript in payment coming, it's way down here on the page, and there is very little promotion to this page.

Now you can see that I am starting to promote this page in my videos. The link to the resources page is up on my website.

Now, that I've tested this, now that I've got the kitchen sink thrown in here, now that I've got a better setup myself, I have something better to promote.

I'm grateful you have seen this with me.

I don't put images on here because for especially sending a lot of pay-per-click traffic and bandwidth, it is inconsistent.

Without images this looks good on a mobile device and on any size of a web browser.

This interface is ideal for Google search and it is straight business. There are no pictures to distract, it's just a wall of text, but it's also simple. There are lots of call-to-action buttons and there are very clear descriptions. There are tons of little blue links and it's also relatively easy with this big font on here on my "Enfold" theme.

Best Affiliate Marketing System for Entrepreneurs to Earn Commissions for Life?

All I've done is put a title here in a promo box with the affiliate links in there.

It's a really simple setup that's consistent. It's really easy to add things to this now, whereas I was trying to use pictures on this and it just stunk.

I got this idea after seeing someone else's affiliate marketing setup and wishing they would put everything on there, and I also got this idea after seeing some dishonest affiliate marketing setups where I was able to verify the person who was using a link to an affiliate program they weren't even using.

They weren't even using it.

They had a different web host than they were using for their own page. I thought, "Come on. You're not using this for your own website. How are you promoting this on your affiliate program?"

That motivated me to say look, "I'm going to make a page that's honest."

I'm using all the stuff on here right now, except for example a few things I used to use like a microphone.

The microphone I'm using now is expensive at $500, so I also put links to the ones that I used before that worked, and the only reason I stopped using them is because I bought a nicer one.

Best Affiliate Marketing System for Entrepreneurs to Earn Commissions for Life?

If that's the case, I've clearly explained that.

I tested out putting different options and talking about the web hosts I used to use and I quit, but that didn't work.

I just put up what I'm using now or if it's relevant for products that people may not want to drop $500 on a microphone, then need to drop $300 on a preamp processor, and then need to drop another $200.

If people don't want to spend $1,000 for a microphone, then it makes sense, in that case, to put the link to the $50 one that still works well that I just decided to upgrade on because my friend Tomas said it sounds better.

Now, the beauty of this setup is any time I do a live stream, any time I do a video, any time someone asks, "Jerry, what do you use?" I've got one place to send everyone, and then people bookmark this one page.

Therefore all of my promotion efforts unify and going to just

I can then do search traffic on certain niche terms, that's allowed according to the affiliate programs. I can do pay-per-click traffic with Display Network ads. I can do YouTube ads promoting this video. I've got all my options open for promoting this, and then it's all within the terms and conditions of the affiliate program and it's set up to work for life.

I've explained this in great detail both because I want you to really never have to waste your time again doing an ineffective affiliate marketing setup.

I've seen so many entrepreneurs hustling and I've been one of them using all these affiliate marketing setups that suck, that are spammy, that annoy people, that are ineffective in earning commissions, and you have got a set up that I've shown you every detail of it here.

You have got a setup that's proven to work and here's the beauty of it, in the process of showing you this whole thing, I've also very clearly promoted it. That's what's sweet because when we make something like this, it becomes an educational resource that's natural to promote.

I haven't had to try to sell you on using anything in here, I've simply been able to show you my setup, and then there's good motivation to go look at the setup and to consider how you might feel.

I know I feel really good when I help other people out. I know when I have friends that refer me to something I intentionally want to use their links, and I want, as an entrepreneur, I intend for it to be easier, more honest and transparent to start and build a business online.

Best Affiliate Marketing System for Entrepreneurs to Earn Commissions for Life?

There are so many of us as entrepreneurs that are focused on how much money we are making and how much hustling we are doing that we forget to provide real value.

I hope a page like this provides real value regardless of whether it earns me any money because I know when I'm providing real value I will earn enough money.

I may not earn a fortune, and I realize there are things I could do to make more money. I've done things where I pulled in like $10,000 or more in commissions a month from an affiliate program before by just remarketing straight to their website through an affiliate link that violated the terms and conditions of the affiliate program. They banned me after paying me something like $27,000 in commissions in a very short period of time.

I know how to cheat and exploit things and I've learned instead to do things like this that really help people because really helping people makes a huge difference in the world while trying to shortcut and hack only produces more suffering.

I've gotten a lot of people that love my resources page so much that they have imitated it. I go on my friend's website and I find a resources page and it looks a lot the same as mine. This works so well that it's becoming a thing. I got this idea from someone else too. It's a thing, except the difference with the ones I saw, I've gone all-in on mine. I've got the kitchen sink in here instead of the top two programs.

Now sure, if I wanted to maximize my commissions, I'd only put the programs on here that are making me the most profit. I would cut things out where I'm not getting an affiliate commission, but I'm not interested in just maximizing my profit. I'm interested in doing the most good, helping the most people and earning enough money to stay in my full-time work at home business.

That's something that we all can get behind. When we focus on helping each other as much as possible, and then just earning what is enough for us, we get this peace of mind that if there's a temporary downtime, someone will help us out.

If you have seen anything on here, you think you'd like to try, if any of this has been helpful, will you please share this and/or buy something directly through the page because you will feel good about helping me earn the commissions, and you will feel great about avoiding the thousands of hours and dollars of wasted money trying less effective solutions?

Best Affiliate Marketing System for Entrepreneurs to Earn Commissions for Life?

You will know that they already work for me and that they can work for you, and the best thing is if you try something like you get Wirecast and you struggle with it, because Wirecast has a significant learning curve, if you buy Wirecast through my link, and then you struggle with it, I've got a partner program.

When you join the partner program, you have got access to message me every single day on Discord. You can then ask me questions and there are several other people in the partner chat who also use Discord who then have live streams with Wirecast.

When you ask it in the partner chat, you may get a response faster from someone else. You may discover someone new that you enjoy taking their video courses from.

When let's say, you are on the same course hosting as me and you are one of my partners, then you have got several people in the partner chat who use the same hosting who are available to answer questions and help out.

QuickBooks self-employed, the audiobooks, the Airtable, you want to make a business system that all works together.

My membership program works with my affiliate marketing program, which works with my advertising program, which works with my blogging platform.

When we put everything together, we get the very best results.

It's like a song.

Each individual element might sound nice by itself. When you put them all together you have got a song. When you put beautiful elements together, as occasionally I've done making 42 songs, then you get something that's just euphoric, that's amazing.

When we put our affiliate marketing system inside a business system we are proud of, inside a business system that really helps people, inside a business system that has a membership program that provides help with all of these services, when you put it inside a business system that includes a blogging platform that pays directly back for making posts on it, when you put that in a business system where you can advertise one page and promote everything at once, then you have got the opportunity when you do all that as I've done, and I do every day to work full-time online without ever needing to have a real job again.

Thank you very much for helping me do that.

By watching or reading this you are one of the few who's made it all the way to the end. I'm honored you spent all this time with me. You are empowering me just by watching to have a business full time at home where I've got that dream.

Best Affiliate Marketing System for Entrepreneurs to Earn Commissions for Life?

I don't have to wake to an alarm clock in the morning. I wake up when my daughter wakes up.

She's two-and-a-half.

As a father, I'm available to be home every day with my family.

My wife's pregnant, I'm able to help out and help her get a nap for a couple hours every day because I'm grateful I only need to work about four hours a day in the morning just working on my business and being of service to you every single day, and that pays all the bills for me.

I'm so grateful for that, I think first about, how may I help you?

I know according to the traffic that something like this can help, a lot of people have come to this page and liked it, used it and never given me an affiliate commission out of it.

That's fine, it's set up for that.

It is set up so that if a thousand people come through, if one person uses the affiliate links and it makes a sale, that makes a big difference, and then if 50 people find it helpful, then I've done some real good.

That's what it's all about doing. It's doing some real good and giving back. I'm grateful you have given me the chance to have the life of my dreams today.

You are helping me to experience an amazing life as a father, as a husband, and as a family member.

I have time to go to an AA meeting for an hour every day. That's what I'm about to go do now right after this. In fact, I've gotten so excited I will probably be five or ten minutes late and it is fine because showing up is 90%.

An affiliate page like this allows us to show up indefinitely in the affiliate marketing program, and when we put this in the context of a business that's out there to help people, when we match it up with a membership system, when we match it up with tons of free resources, helpful tutorials, inspiring posts, when we put it all together like that, that's what it takes to have a full-time business online that's self-sustaining, that consistently makes enough money every month to provide that piece of mind that we never need to go hunting for a job again.

That's what makes a real difference in the world, by helping a bunch of people who may never give anything back directly.

This page is intended to help lots of people who will never give me anything back out of it, more than just hopping on the page seeing, "Oh, Wirecast is nice. Let me google that. Oh, here is ActiveCampaign. I'll google that."

They may never give me anything back, but they will receive a lot of help for it, that's what it's all about.

I've put this in because you who watched all the way to the end, the mindset, the bigger context we think of, this has a huge impact on what results we get.

Best Affiliate Marketing System for Entrepreneurs to Earn Commissions for Life?

When we think like this, when we think big, when we think about everyone that makes all the difference in the world.

A page like this is an example, I think, of thinking big, of considering how the most people can be helped and setting up a system to give back that doesn't cost anything for that one out of a thousand persons, who comes through and says, "Thank you. This is awesome. I will make sure to use your affiliate links."

I love you. You are awesome. If you found this helpful I will trust that you will go to this page or share it when you need it, that you will bookmark it if you need it, and if you don't ever give me anything back, that's fine. I hope I've helped you because that's what it's all about. Have a wonderful day and I will see you again.


Jerry Banfield with edits by @gmichelbkk on the transcript from @deniskj

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Greetings, Jerry

Very good your topic. The little that I know affiliate marketing is a form of online advertising in which the affiliate advertises products and services of advertisers in exchange for a commission, which can be generated through clicks, sales and specific actions, among other formats commissioning.

Is this right???

Some large companies here in Brazil do this, especially those that are linked to retail. People create a website with the company name and advertise their products. Each product sold by their link generates a certain commission, which is around 2 to 10%, depending on the value of the product. Generally, larger products give larger commissions.

I think that's pretty cool, but I do not know how we (a physical person) would be able to win anything other than being a "reseller" of the products ...

Is there any solution for this ???

Thank you and good evening!!!!!

Happy new month to you sir. Stay lifted sir. Follow youwow this an amazing @jerrybanfield, you are so talented and brilliant marketer. well that God's gift Sha. how can I vote you on steemit witness? I am checking your blog for the first time and I am impressed with what I see. kudos 👏👏👏 to you @jerrybanfield.

Thanks for caring to share Jerry, Bless you and your family!

Thanks @jerrybanfield - you are a stream of marketing brilliance - I don't know where you get it from. Higher self perhaps? I've voted for you as a witness already.

@healingherb yes I am grateful today these ideas come every day after I think about who I love and how may I help?

That's the way, indeed - thank you :)

very helpful post sir.

This comment has received a 0.36 % upvote from @speedvoter thanks to: @naim1.

Hosting24 is also a good solution for hosting.I have more than 30k visits/day and work without any problem.

OMG, that scroll bar.. amazing👀

I must confess that I spent a long time reading your post in detail trying to understand it (technology is not mine) And I really want to thank you for taking the time to write a post as complex and detailed as this.
It's because of people like you that this is a great place.
I also really enjoyed watching your montages in the photos, I laughed a lot with them. It is an edition that makes reading more enjoyable since it is a bit extensive.

Good good good good good

thanks you sir,,, know more new metter,, i follow your all post....

Thanks Bro ❤

Thanks sir. Learned few new things and would love to learn more.

Interesting project

The truth about marketing affiliates is that not all works .... But with this am sure that its really the solution of my problem.... I can't just wait to say this too........
"Oh, my God. This is amazing."
Thanks once more

This is great! Affiliate marketing is a wonderful industry and it can pay a lot of money. I have written several articles on affiliate marketing on my blog.

In addition, last month I published a book called Start Affiliate Marketing that helps people build their business from the ground up.

I wrote Affiliate Marketing Expert a year ago and realized that some more information was necessary to help people really understand how to be successful as an affiliate marketer.


Full glass of resource juice!
i did not get anyone before who brief so much about affiliate marketing by posting. It inspires me to do more hard work to get success on affiliate marketing.

Nice topic! Keep up the good work :)

I like your topick
because I see your topic and vo t one you see my

Very good post and topic.

ive learned so much about your blog thanks for the share @jerrybanfield

Interesting stuff man! It's so long lol I'm still reading it. This actually gives me an idea (or rather restarting one that I've had before haha); I make artwork in Blender and use it to make all over print shirts which I sell at I'd be willing to give out free ones to people to wear on their vlogs and give me a shout out in the description IF they actually like it. Have a look and let me know, I'll make a proper post about it soon. I can also make custom promo shirts for people if they're looking for something with a bit more zazz than your typical single colour screen printed shirt.