Didn't get to play our match last night because the servers were dying! It has been rescheduled to tonight. The match is on cobble, but we might have to scrim another map because the map of this week is overpass.
GIF was created by the GIF god @mro
My live stream is at DLive
Good luck Jimmy :)
Waiting for next one
@halterci thank you!
Hey ! Good luck for your matches @jimmylin ! :D
I go back to my stream :p
Hello @jimmylin good night 😊 wouwww nice very very nice stream
Hey what's up @jimmylin :)
good publications
Great post tnx for sharing steemit all the way i just upvoted check out my new post upvote resteem comment @glclipse
brb guys! match is starting in 10
hey jimmy whats up ? :) good luck!
@mypata thank u
@kontesmerve sorry i was in the zone trying to frag didn't see your msg
no problem good luck :) @jimmylin
jimmylin whats up man!
@crypto-moon whats up! just waiting for my match to begin brb getting water :P
Sounds good man, if ya feel like a team on PUBG lets me know, I'm dliving :)
Hei what's up jimmy! :) @jimmylin
@jimmylin Good luck on the match!
@jimmylin Thanx! @mro did an awesome job :) Steem on. - @splendorhub
whatsup handsome ?
3 connector in pistol thats what i call some demo knowledge :D
oh nooooo the collateral so unlucky :(
"lets trade him out he just has a mag7 probably" BOOM collateral
I thought matches end at 16 wins?
gg's guys
damn the collat cost the game FeelsBadMan