I am 7 levels on the battle pass from getting that John Wick skin. Thanks to everyone in the DLive Community this weekend with the amazing support you have provided! Don't waste your upvotes on me incase this stream gets flagged, spread the love in the community :D
My live stream is at DLive
hey ;) downvotes won't do anything we'll always be there;)
69% upvote just for troll downvoter ^^
wasaaap my mate lin
i have headache :( but otherwise it's fine ^^ Dlive's community supports itself that's good
get the black one jimmy
I'm gonna eat good stream to you;)
Hey jim whatsup
No one on consoles with a sense of the world play cross platform, they only play their platform only.
I didn't pressure you, wasn't me.
New shuttle, same bot jimmy.
Jimmy whatsup
Enjoy the fortnite 😂
Boom there goes Johnny's fortnite career. haha
Prepare for a 2 hour long warm-up viewers!
Ahaha I'm down for that wager, but you'll probably play smart
I'm sorry I can't watch live tv. :((( 'cause I'm doing a live broadcast right now. :D :D :D I LOVE YOU DLİVE FOREVER DLİVE.
Thanks Shanks
ahahah good work johnny
ahahaha, he gets so tilted over that stuff. I mean what do you expect? lol
1 down 3 to go
Another win for the boys back home!!!
Gimme Gimme, anyways I'm out haha will stream later peace!
hy handsome @jimmylin how are you
good luck brother. i am watching :)
@seacactus pay up hahahahaha
nice bro @jimmylin
Sup jimmy
:-) #TeamDLive
hello jimmylin. how are you?
thank you :)
brb eating quick!
Heyy jimmy
Thanks man , what about u ?
How do you get the John Wick skin? And what's going on sir Jimmy?
Hahaha I'm not getting that for another year or so... lmao
nice battle
me too, almost there getting the skin
nttt brooo
hahaha i bought that too LOL that spaceship
The shooting isn't really an issue (for the most part). It's the building quick and figuring out the best hot keys. So I'd say average and my building below average :/. I haven't really played too much so I'm just trying to get better.
kk gonna end this stream everyone. thanks for tuning in, i might be back for another later tonight :D
This thirsty you speak of lol? What type of FortNite lingo is this? lol
@gattisstatus LOL when u thirst someone, it's when they are on the ground crawling already and u kill him
@gattistatus the kill thirst is real hahaha