
It was an honor and a privilege sir!

Note: This is for the DLive content curation reward 7/19/2018

Always in good shape SIR !! u never get tired of killing ROFL
This is for the DLive Team Reward 7/19/2018

Really cool

It's great platform and thanks to @dlive team.

And thanks to all team for sharing information with us..
@jimmylin congrats to you for this achievement. I just watched video and good to @jimmylin here with lots of informative things..

Hey, too bad i missed the stream. But i have an idea for a nice Stream: Lets make 2 teams, 2 Dlive-Staffmembers and 2 Streamers. You play 10 games and the team with the most Kills wins, the losing team gifts some SBD to active viewers (to be defined ) :)

@imjohnnymills are you down?

Just give me a time and place =P

Okay guys, realy nice move :) Im very busy this Weekend, maybe we can get a plan going for the next one ;)
Or maybe next week already, just gotta figure out the time since im in europe. Also i need a partner who streams aswell, maybe i can get stu for this :)