What's happening everyone? I'll be doing some Tilted Tower solo drops, let's see how many solo wins I can get, if any.
My live stream is at DLive
What's happening everyone? I'll be doing some Tilted Tower solo drops, let's see how many solo wins I can get, if any.
My live stream is at DLive
ı couldnt even use that deagle on cs though :(
with new servers your stream looking perfect !
wow tilted towers solo !! you must be brave lol
Have a nice stream man :)
wtf your parachüte perfect
Hey handsome 😃
xd Free kills
How are you sir 😛
Where is@imjohnnymills 😃
Hey, dlieve's most beautiful laughing Publisher. :D
yeah where is @imjohnnymills we miss Johnny :(
how to weather in Canada ? :D
@shankstaicho jimmy so cute xD
@shankstaicho senden sonra tabi jajdjdkg
@liseliifsa18 calm down, man. :D Jimmy has a girlfriend. :D
@shankstaicho nooooooooooooo
ne dedi anlamadım :D shanks dedi de anlamadım :D
Run Jimmy Run :D
Oyun oynucakmısınız dedi sanırım 😃
I just got back from the carpet field game. I'm watching you and eating. :D then I sleep :D
Yea do it win this game!
carpet field game = football match :D 2-0 we beat :D
I hurt my leg. :(
hello jimmy what's up dude :)
hahahahahha :D oh my god jimmy :D relax :D
Yes i see that 😃😃
this new clothes? :D
would you give me some clothes dude :D
you pro fortnite play :) shanks and me noob play fortnite :D :D
no health , no shield :D amazing game :D
Very exciting 😃
jimmy you can do this.
You can do it we trust you😃
nice try jimmy nice try :D very very nice try :D
try jimmy tryy :D
Good luck man
Hi Jimmy! How are you doing today?
I need to study my lesson. see you later handsome jimmy :)
İ go take a shower good luck sir
wtf :D wtfffffffffff :D deagle shot hahahhahah :D
hey jimmylin :D
Jimmy, I'm so sleepy, so I have to go. :( I'il see you tomorrow.
<3 <3 good night jimmy :) <3 <3
@alphasteem when can we expect the live stream cooking show?
@jimmylin just saw your comment now a bit late, sorry. Well now the kitchen is 100% complete as of today! So I just gotta figure out how to do it, because there is a lot of down time with cooking so I haven't really came up with a good way to do it... like If I have to throw something in the oven then that wouldn't really work for a live stream. Unless I do something that doesn't require a lot, but then it would be a short live stream...Any ideas? It would help. Also it would be hard to be active with the chat while cooking...I really want to try it though.
thanks my best friend far away