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RE: Immigration Debate: One Question to Set the Record Straight

in #dlive7 years ago (edited)

---"Do you ever think about what it means to call any individual you disagree with "the left" or "the right"?"---

Well, hell yes I do. If the right/left is a spectrum, and social is on the left and individualism is on the right, social constructs like nation state, immigration, war, and national borders are all social constructs of the left.

The welfare state, and basket of 'social free goodies' plus higher minimum wage are leftist constructs driving people to enter foreign nations.(not to even mention war for a moment)

If I am disagreeing with them they are typically, by this metric, on the left.


Did you watch the video? I clarify what I mean by that in the live broadcast.

Just watched it, Dlive and Dtube are kind of hit and miss on running.

You say at one point the right is correct. There maybe some finer details on what you point out is right or wrong. Later you say it doesn't matter. It does matter if you want to do a root cause analysis on why things reached this point.

While I completely agree with you on ISO, there is a large portion of the population, maybe 50% that doesn't agree with it.

I don't for a moment, disregard the lefts wrongs on equal with the right and will continue to hammer out this disparity between the right and left and say it matters and assign blame where it's due.