View and Download the Recording Here -
This weeks theme "What is potential, probable, and possible using DLive and STEEM?"
Join The Steeming Pile! An Open Space project for the STEEM & DLive Community. Join via video, voice or chat. We set up the theme and create the agenda live on air. We are just getting started so feel free to jump on the pile.
This weeks simulcasters:
G0nr0gue -
Johnspalding -
and hopefully - Shawn S. Porter -
Graphic Facilitation Services
narashi - (She also created that Kick Ass logo seen above!)
Want to simulcast with us? Join our planning thread on the #DLive24hour discord - #thesteemingpile -
John's Slides -
My live stream is at DLive
youtube banned me from livestreaming for 3 months...after my OBS setup config wizard accidentally streamed 1 minute of static. nuts
bot wars = we all lose
the original point of steem is "proof of brain"...which is not a basic bot.
bots will kill steem unless something changes. the average person doesnt want to play the "maxmize profit" game. thats not the reason people go back to facebook dozens of times a day
the appeal didnt work.
hey @johnspalding, hey @gyrosean!
yo @ericwilson
flagging needs to be changed. linear rewards and flagging doesnt work, doesnt scale
some people are working on a "proof of game" for livestreaming gaming content.
Ahhhhh!!!! Lol
commenting on all the windows you have on stream. lol
hey hey hey
I don't get why you use the #creativecommons tag. Please add a creative commons license, if the broadcast is licensed under CC or remove the tag.
I honestly don't understand what your asking. This is your second warning to me and it's a little confusing. I added the CC 4.0 tag in DLive and we talk about it throughout the broadcast. Why don't you come on The Steeming Pile LIVE next Sunday at 930pm EST and tell us exactly how you would like me to post our broadcast to meet your needs.
You know as a curator of a community that is big on sharing and talking about creative commons, you might consider trying a different approach. If you are the only person from CC that is working in this space, you might want to get with the CC team and come up with a more engaged approach toward talking about the creative commons and helping people. What you do appears more like post trolling.....
It's only the second episode, and every platform is different on how things get posted. We WILL grow and get better.
I'm sorry, that I somehow missed your first reply regarding that topic. I'm not officially related with the "CC team", but a long time Steemit user and community member, who wants to make Steemit a place to find quality CC-content.
I'm just asking for a statement and/or CC license whenever you use the #creativecommons tag. This should be added to the footer of your Steemit post (not only the dTube description), so that anybody can easily see, how your work is related to Creative Commons.
This post might clear things up a bit.
Thanks for your consideration!