Hey all, come stop by and chat as I attempt to get some chicken dinners. I have only got one solo dinner before and stopped playing solos straight after that but I aim to get more now!
Thanks to all who support me by following upvoting and commenting!! More giveaways to come in the future as my channel grows :)
My live stream is at DLive
Yo what up !
hey, nice stream
Sir camps a lot
Im in the bed and relaxing to your gameplay
Any success today?
Not the best some mental problems
Yeah i have those problems my whole life long.
Mostly 30 seconds delay
Tried many therapies. But docs couldnt really help.
I think the problem is that i didnt get much love from my parents and that results in a social anxiety
The big problem is if someone says a wrong thing i m instand down. Is like a shock
11:55 pm
Do you wanne play a game together the next days?
I have no pubg
Battlefield 4?
Relaxed league of legends maybe
I have gta v also
Or i get pubg
Have to look how much it costs
I brb
30 € normal and 25 € on key stores
Yeah im here
The time is shit
The 12 hour difference
So what do you prefer morning or evening?
So then like 10 am for me and 10 pm for you?
2 or 3 hours?
Maybe i buy pubg because everyone play it and its a nice game
You are sometimes on discord?
Then we can write there
Ok i write you in discord.
Need some rest, see you
Chicken dinner #1 for today achieved :)
you got a chicken dinner? Good work son! haha