Thanks @jimmylin !
I'm using a Sennheiser video rig ew100 G3 to iPhone 6s running Teradek Live:Air Solo (and Live:Air Remote when runnning 2 cameras).

It requires 2 adapters to go into a phone one to stereo, one to phone format, can't recall the term.
Will be testing with next gen (no headphone-jack).
Thanks for watching, and stay tuned. I think we're going to do some neat stuff here.
I need to watch your streams more. I got 2 wild French bulldogs at home here :) I’m glad to see you on @DLive we need more variety
Stay tuned, for sure. We do some smoking pet training that we've kind of stopped doing due to travel and disc dog stuff. I think we can do some good work here in the #dogtraining department.