Not-senator-2020-not-president-maybe guy Adam "BBQ FREEDOM" Kokesh is back!
Things that don't matter:
- Claims to be a Voluntaryist yet seeks to centrally plan economy.
- Called on Voluntaryists to "put down the ideology [individual self-ownership] in a sense. At least make sure that it is secondary, compared to taking this great step forward for humanity, together."
- Collected donations for a "book bomb" that was supposed to happen two months ago and still has not, while supporters and those that bought ad space in the book wait for updates.
- Collects donations for a presidential run that now may or may not happen.
- Self-upvotes one-line comments calling dissenters "cowardly" on Steemit @ 80 USD a pop.
- Calls anyone who questions his platform or ideas a "coward," "divisive," or "annoying troll."
- Claims to be a Voluntaryist yet includes blatant nationalist rhetoric and imagery in videos.
- Says that "In the act of voting, we are not choosing leaders for ourselves, we are trying to impose our choice of leaders on others," and then says we should vote for him.
- Says that majority votes and majority consensus are legitimate means by which to gain authority:
" the POWER INVESTED IN ME BY THE AMERICAN PEOPLE THROUGH THE AMERICAN ELECTORAL per the WILL OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE declare myself to be custodian of the federal government."
~ Adam Kokesh, at the 26:34 mark of THIS VIDEO.
- Calls those that disagrees or staff he fires "mentally disturbed" or implies they are a state plant.
- Implies that anyone not supporting his presidency is a "statist."
- Has suggested the centralized collection of fingerprints in order to "allow" homesteaders to homestead unowned lands.
Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist, creator, and peaceful parent residing in Niigata City, Japan. Graham runs the "Voluntary Japan" online initiative with a presence here on Steem, as well as DLive and Twitter. (Hit me up so I can stop talking about myself in the third person!)
My video is at DLive
Adam Kokesh's presidential campaign is a fascist plot to install himself as an unaccountable dictator.
Even if unintentional, the objective result is the same.
I suppose in the end it would require our trust in him doing what he says he's going to do. Unless its changed in the last few months, he claims to be running in order to dissolve the gov't entirely. I've never come across any reason he is not trust worthy, then again, I dont know much about this book he's talking about. I guess I figured if anybody could get me to vote, it would have been Adam running on the platform of the complete dissolution of the gov't. Just a passing thought, I'm admittedly not a close follower of his. Not since the early days of Adam vs The Man anyhow. Feed back is Appreciated.
Hey there. Thanks for the reply. Just a couple things I wanted to address.
What he says he is going to do violates individual self-ownership and free market principle. It’s a centralized wealth distribution program which involves setting policy via personal preference and “majority consensus” instead of via property and individual self ownership. Adam has claimed that an election can him this authority. This is not a Voluntaryist position.
I know this is a lot of stuff. And some people think I am too focused on all of this. However, the only reason I do is because Adam claims to be a voluntaryist, and is a very visible (and horrible) representative of the thing which I feel has really save my life! Understanding self-ownership! I want others to experience the same, and not to bet sucked into Kokesh’s politicking, sensationalized, unprincipled circus.
Thanks again for the comment.
'Personal preference' and 'majority consensus' seem pretty antithetical to one another, as well as 'dissolution of gov't' and 'gov't policies', unless your one and only policy is to dissolve all gov't programs and agencies. That's a policy I can get down with.
Well, yeah, if it were 1. possible (Kokesh will never be elected unless he is part of the “deep state”) and 2. ethical (in other words, not via Kokesh’s centralized “plan”)
Sorry for the repetative comments, I didn't think the first comment went through.
Personal preference I'm down with but majority census seems antithetical to personal preference. I haven't read any of his policies, and to that point having policies to begin with seems contrary to the dissolution of the gov't. Unless that's your only policy.
Actually, at the moment, I am only interested in one question to Adam Kokesh: How many people have you killed?
I wonder if @lukestokes ever asked him ... he's a HUGE fan of Kokesh ... smh
Had a falling out with Luke over this...and a couple other issues. He tends to be condescendingly dismissive, like many others under this celebrity spell.
I'm just giving him plenty of space and time to realize on his own that he was deceived ... those spells are sometimes hard to break.