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RE: Reviewing Basic Voluntaryist Ideas for Beginners

in #dlive7 years ago

More taxation is always on the ballot, and the system is intrinsically murderous. To suggest that those that don’t participate in a murder system’s protocol are somehow a detriment to civilized society is patently absurd.


I think it's absurd to only pledge to only participate in voluntaryism which will likely never happen. Our current system could eventually collapse under the weight of too much socialism but I doubt the anarchy it brings will be very pretty especially while it lasts.
War is a racket but in the USA about 99% of murders are not done by the government. Voluntaryists could probably do more to stop those now but it's pretty much only the government doing anything.

"The anarchy it brings" tells me our definitions of the word are no where near the same. Anarchy is all around us. It is the norm. Go to any crowded place. In that place the vast majority of people will be peaceful and interacting voluntarily. Laws don't make them do those things. They do them because it is the natural way humans interact. The rare exception? They get heavily punished for being a predator. No government is needed to have those things happen either.

I think things like murder and rape would happen a lot more if we had real anarchy. You're right that no government is needed to build roads or arrest murderers but in general there are a few things where government does do a somewhat decent job at. Sure anarchists might want to hire their own trash collector and policeman and pay tolls etc but most people would not.

"Real anarchy?" Ugh. No, it wouldn't happen more. Those people wouldn't live long since the majority of people wouldn't put up with it.

I doubt anarchy would suddenly fix our sheeple problem unless they died off or got murdered. People do have the freedom to overthrow the government now but instead they usually vote for more taxes or stay home. Perhaps if the circuses and bread ran out but the circuses will probably be the last thing to go.

It's exactly the solution needed. The reason we have so many sheeple/cattle is because we have a system that allows them to easily and comfortably survive. That's one of the main reasons we have the system we have too. It is designed to produce ignorant tax payers who only live long enough to make more tax payers. Those in power want to make sure no one ever asks questions or seeks to maximize their individual liberty either. That would mean less consolidation of wealth and power.

I'd prefer a smooth transition to limited government. I don't support completely eliminating social security and medicare overnight. I think we should start by cutting things like military spending, foreign aid, department of education, department of energy etc.
Thanks to our current system it would be pretty hard for old people in nursing homes with no family to immediately transition to being productive members of society.