
Nice post
Let's follow and upvote each other and move steemit to the next level.. Check out one of my recent post here

Hi, Im follow you too😘you look great!

Nice..Like it..

Have always liked the look of The Long Dark but haven't bought it. Looked fun when a mate played it.

Yeah it's a bit different with the look, but the game-play looks great and done well.

hmm it says unable to connect to network

That's really long! Games do need to have a nice length to them as well.

It's okay, games can't hurt you so you will live... In real life anyway. :)

Yeah that's understandable and no need to play things if you get scared or worried from playing/watching it. :)

I always go for games with a great atmosphere and feel to them, a lot nicer to play, as well as having quite a bit to do.

Here in Australia it's 11:50pm on Sunday. :P

What time is it there?

I'm doing well, and you? (sorry I do not understand English, I'm French)

Ayeee its you"re boy baba in the building" Howdy Kassi keep it up seems so chilly ingame xD

im All good my dear just had a wake and bake xD ima go upvote you keep the awsome content going @kassixo

I don't smoke or do drugs either :) the occasional drink though haha.

Stream is good for my, might be slight bits of lag, what is your bit rate at?

It seems fine for me, so yeah maybe your net is acting up.

Alright thanks for the stream but going to bed soon. Night night :)

have a great day kassixo, firing up my own old stream soon.

I am hot on your trail with 200 subs! I'm going to jump on Dlive naked if I must, anything to beat Kassixo!