KASSI PLAYS // Just playing games. Nothing else here.

in #dlive7 years ago


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My live stream is at DLive

I am currently the Community Manager in Team DLive and this community really is one of the best. Don't miss out!

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Are you using OBS?

Hi. What U do, that dlive votu U every time. Regards

Stream looks good.

Oh MC, brings back me memories where I trolled around in Estonian servers with my admin :D

I randomly get to minecraft videos sometimes on youtube, then I realize I am in the weird part of Youtube again. Faction servers are the thing right now as I see.

Nah, faction is like a clan based server.

Oh yeah, I used to build alot in the servers where I was admin. Castles, mansions what ever got into my mind.

Flying around :thinking: like taking away the survival part where you have to run around and explore :)

This is how I fly when I Lucid Dream!!! Hahah

Think I've even been in a few timelapse videos of me building something, but I have no clue what my name was in minecraft LUL.

Oh, lucid dreaming I tried getting into it, but it probably didn't work cuz I didn't keep a dream diary.

What's up Kassi? Stream looking smooth af

You need to enable "cheats" to use commands like that, which means you can go creative etc.

Oh yeah, I probably have like 2k hours in MC, I played it alot when I was younger.

Yea, at first a Dream Diary is pretty important @zharl . So you are able to remember what you dream. I remember that I used to recall 3-4 dreams x night after 2 weeks of using a diary. They were vivid and interesting, but writing all that down became boring hahah :s

The stream looks pretty smooth and pixeless atm.