
Ich verstehe zwar vom Text nichts, aber es ist toll gesungen. Sehr schöne Stimme 👍

Sehr berührend vorgetragen!

"The endless eternity" Romantisch und zeitlos - die Geschichte von Sehnsucht und unerfüllter Liebe.

Das Resort auf Bali ist ein Traum!

Es ist auch nicht wahnsinnig teuer habe ich gesehen. Es ist zwar etwas teuer für einen normalen Urlaub, aber wenn es eine Hochzeitsreise oder um etwas Schönes zu feiern, ist... kann man sich schon erlauben, dort ein paar Tage zu verbringen.
Es gibt noch viel teurere Hotels in Bali als Ayana Resort, 4 mal so teuer gibt es sogar dort. :-D

Hochzeitsreise wird sich in diesem Leben wohl keine mehr ausgehen ;-)

Aber wer weiß, vielleicht eines Tages eine romantische Reise zu zweit ... Dafür wäre Bali sicher ein ideales Reiseziel. Für besondere Anlässe wäre ich auch bereit, etwas mehr auszugeben.

here in Malaysia there are as well Karaoke Songs Shops. you can pay for it and go into a single room inside, where you are alone and than sing your soul out :-))

In Asia karaoke belongs to the culture... We often go to karaoke with our colleagues after office. There are family karaoke and even the plus plus karaoke exist too hahahaha.
Home theatre or complete sound system with good microphone is kinda "must buy" for every household in Asia, if you at least belong to the middle class.
Most of my indonesian friend here who loves to sing, bought their karaoke system in Asia because in Eurepe you just have so small options for KTV-System, and if you found one... it's always with very limited menu selections. In Asia it's always very flexible... you can practically get whatever you like as long as you are ready to pay for it. The cheap and the premium one, both exist :-D

Auch wenn ich kein Wort versteh, klingts wunderschön <3 Sehr beruhigend.

Dankeeee ^_^.

Sehr schön gesungen. <3

I love this song. I don't understand anything, but that's not important at all. For me, the voice in general is more like an instrument anyway.
That song touches me.
You two did a wonderful job. A great duet. Bravo!!!!!!

If you open the Youtube Video of the original singer that I attached at the end of the article, you can read the english translation during the song playing :)

For me your version is now the original - I heard that first. ;-)

Hahaha, das ist nett :)

Lagunya enak mb..sya suka..sya suka..😄sy juga suka lagu2 mandarin..aplg kl yng nynyi Nicky wu sm Andy lau😄

Lagu masa mudaaaa haha. Mengenang maasa lalu LOL

Itu lagu nicky wu mba...suka bgt,,aplg yg jdlnya cu ni ie lun sun fung,,,sedih dengernya...

Mb aku request lagunya nicky wu ya cu ni ie lun sen fung😄

Ntar yaaa

Asik2 ta tgu😄

Suara kamu kece banget, @kobold-djawa. Dan aku juga buka foto foto pernikahan Cecilia. Jadi pengen nikah di sana yang sungguh terlihat sederhana tapi sakral dan romantis.

Dandanan Cecilia juga sangat natural, tanpa perlu setebal tutorial make up ya 😆

Iya... cantik, simpel... hotelnya termasuk murah untuk ukuran bintang lima... mahal, iya. Tapi nggak gila-gilaan mahalnya, jadi kalau untuk merayakan hal istimewa macam Pernikahan sih masih bisa dipertimbangkan haha. Aku ngga nyangka sih hotel yg dipilih artis top macam mereka termasuk yang standar aja gitu, itungannya sederhana mah kalau buat ukuran artis yang masih laris kayak mereka. DiBali kan masih ada hotel dan resort yang jauuuuh lebih lux daripada ini.
Yang harganya 4 kali lipat dari ini aja ada LOL.
Btw...makasih pujiannya :)

Karena sesungguhnya yang gak ribet itu bikin bahagia. Tidak beli gengsi, tapi yang penting hepi.
Btw, maybe next time you must try sing a song "You Are The Reason" (my fav romantic song 😀😀)

Wow! Amazing dlive video.
I appreciate your work.
I really liked it.😍😍💛
I listened English translation, it is awesome and Mind-blowing.
I really feel very energetic after listening this song.

Nice content
Very well articulated
Excellent job.

Thanks @kobold-djawa for sharing this post.

Upvoted + resteemed your post.

enak banget deh lagunya mbak @kobold-djawa
tp sayang saya tidak ngerti

Kan saya dah tulis, kalau mau tau artinya liat di video asli penyanyinya, disitu ada terjemahan bahasa inggrisnya. Videonya dah saya attach dibagian bawah tuh.
Cari di Youtube juga ada yg pake terjemahan Indonesia kalau mau.

oke mbak sarannya, saya suka soalnya lagu ini..
menarik melodinya

Walaupun ga ngerti bahasa mandarin kyny Lagunya cocok bgt kak buat pengantar tidur.. 😁
Suara keduanya merdu bgt kak... Mantap dh pkkny.. 😊

lagu mandarin memang mantap nya kita dengar tengah malam,dengan mengikuti irama musik nya,terasa menyenangkan.

Mendayu dayu hehe

Music of song is beautiful

Fabulous music video.🎶🎼🎶🎼
I like it very much.
Amazing lyrics with Awesome sound.
I also shared it with my friends, they also love it.
I appreciate all your efforts.

Thanks @kobold-djawa for sharing this post.

Resteemed your post.

ra po po ora ngerti artine seng penting.. pokoke nyanyi terus...buat hiburan ...mantap mbak..e

lovely song..i like it.
thanks for share

wonderful song:) both of you are very impressive :)
thanks for sharing!!!

enak sangat denger nya, fasih dah kayak orang korea. cuma suara orang korea tuh lebih melenting.

wow really nice post..

sangat mantap lagu dari mandarin @kobolddjawa.

Nice video nice song nice post@kobold djawa and nice resteem @jaki01 i never stop going through your blog because you guys always have something interesting to offer

It’s great that you can sing Chinese song! Your voice is very powerful that I always love to listen…

The song is with really sad meaning, especially the last sentence, “it is the endless eternity”.

It’s good to know that this song reminds you on your teenager memories.

Ah! They are very sweet and lovely couple indeed. Very wonderful wedding ceremony. It’s very nice place that I hope to spend my holiday there someday. Thanks so much for sharing. ;)