Thank you for your kind words, Jerry.
Do you believe it's possible to make a mistake? Since you've appologized in the past for your actions and you changed the contents of this page and the title of the event, then I'll assume you do think it's possible to make a mistake. That means you are not perfect. To live in world where we don't make rational adjustments and yes, judgements, about what is bad, good, and somewhere in between which can be improved is to live in a completely irrational, unchanging world (IMO).
I don't see myself as perfect because if I was perfect, I'd have no room for improvement, and I do believe I have improved and will continue to improve. If you're continuing to learn and grow in unconditional love then you aren't perfect either. That's a good thing! That means you're improving!
When I see conflicts or struggles between you and the community, I don't see it as you trying to "change to please others" but you realizing you did something that looks like you're just in it for yourself. You told me enough personal stories about your past where you recognize you have a pattern there of only thinking about yourself and doing whatever it takes to succeed, regardless of how that might negatively impact those around you.
IMO, we'd all be better off if we dropped the ego and accepted we are not perfect, and we do make mistakes. That will cause us to think twice about our actions and how they may impact others. It will cause us to grow even more and become even better people. Otherwise, we stay in the same patterns over and over again until the communities we're part of don't want us around anymore. If you see yourself as already perfect, how can people trust you to make better decisions in the future if they don't like some of the decisions you make now?