For the week I've been playing the game I have a very good understanding of how to play it. So far I've got 3 solo and 2 duo wins as well as 15 max kills in one game. You might ask yourself how does he have such stats while having played the game for a week. Well... I know how to aim that's about all there is to it. From my experience, I can say that the game is a lot of fun with or without friends. However, for people who get anxious while gaming it would be quite hard to play it solo. There is just something about running around a map while realizing that a 100 other players are all out to get you. It can be a bit taxing, even to just play one game, you always feel the pressure. And a lot of times getting a win is all up to your luck. Every single time you think you're fine, you probably aren't, cus someone is watching always. One thing I really find difficult to understand is why there is no first-person mode for the game. I feel like it would work great, plus I am an FPS kinda guy. Oh, that reminds me, Fortnite has this weird optimization where at a certain point you can't get more frames no matter the power of your system. Also for weaker systems, the game is a pain in the ass. Granted it is not as bad as PUBG because when I can run PUBG at 30 FPS, I can run Fortnite at about 60.