Hi Steemians,
Today i will be working on a simple animation on Affter Effects.
Don't forget to upvote and follow me for more awesome designs.
My live stream is at DLive
Hi Steemians,
Today i will be working on a simple animation on Affter Effects.
Don't forget to upvote and follow me for more awesome designs.
My live stream is at DLive
if you guys dnt like the music just let me know
it's kind of music i use when i work !! it inspires me!!
terrible music
ahahahahah wat a taste of music u have
yo wassup captain
I only listen to saint seiya soundtrack
happy i changed it ahahah in french we say le client est roi
The customer is always right.
slt :)
good soundtrack
mro you not play cs?
I listen to everything to be honest. Except Country I dislike country haha.
yo ach
no my laptop can support CS ahahah too heavy
same here i dnt like country
heyyy alucare !!
I downloaded latest wacom drivers
ça va mro ?
oui bien je bosse sur une animation avec after effects
ah oui oui mro bien bien
tu veux faire quoi comme animation ?
je tatonne
mais un truc abstract !!
ah bien bien mro
AHAHAHAHA !!! OUI OUI andale andale
abstract ?
a ok ^^ dsl ^^
non objectif.
just art
I like illustrator already for drawing. I used it for other things back in highschool never for drawing though.
yeah i told u also photoshop is good
How do you use the brush with a different color other than black? Every time I try to use another color the line comes out black.
in illustrator
i will show u now
OK merci mro. Merci Mon ami!
ohhhhhh Je idiote
u see the square
this mean the eddge of ur shape
ahhhhh I sea, I sea
bon je te laisse ++ ;) ( et tu as marquer quoi mdr
and the other is the inside color of ur shape
ahahah j'ai ecris seacactus ahahahah andale andale
a ++ alucare