Steemian Mantra
I'm not selling my Steem power for less than $100
I'm not selling my Steem power for less than $100
I'm not selling my Steem power for less than $100
So my request to all my fellow good steem citizens out there to start this "Steemian Mantra Campaign" by doing the following three things
Any comment that you make within the steem world you must include "Steemian Mantra"
Any content you create within the Steem world you must include "Steemian Mantra"
Any other social media that you use outside of steem world should have "Steemian Mantra" as your status/profile/cover...
I truly believe if we can successfully roll out this Steemian Mantra Campaign collectively and make this as our everyday culture, then we're going to reach £100 STEEM soon !
I believe in you and steem and togetherness :)))
Nathan Mars
I'm not selling my Steem power for less than $100
My video is at DLive
My Mantra
I'm not selling my Steem power for less than $100
I'm not selling my Steem power for less than $100
I'm not selling my Steem power for less than $100
Awesome bro !
I'm not selling my Steem power for less than $100
Am really loving this
OUR MANTRA#campaign
I'm not selling my Steem power for less than $100
Good work, as always @trojan4
Wow! I love this.
It seems you really have a great drawing talanet. Keep up the good job bro. Will be borrowing this for some while.
I'm not selling my Steem power for less than $100!
I'm not selling my Steem power for less than $100
I'm not selling my Steem power for less than $100
Thank you, dear @k-banti, yes I am an artist. I will be glad if you visit my blog here have some of my art.😊
I'm not selling my Steem power for less than $100!
Really appreciate you my friend!
I'm not selling my Steem power for less than $100
I have already managed to get more than 5 people to join the steem project, I am extremely happy to be a voice carrier.
Brilliant job my friend. I much appreciate your contribution:)
I'm not selling my Steem power for less than $100
Hello my friend, @nathanmars
I've been very busy, and I could not comment. I will do it in three aspects:
1.- Regarding the Fund and objective:
Let me tell you that I am 100% in agreement with the phrase "I'm not selling my Steem power for less than $ 100". I believe that the more we unite as stemians who value the power of unity and work together, we can make the STEEM worth $ 100 in two years or less. Therefore, I will try to use it in my publications (I will make an image or something like that to place it at the end, and people will see it).
2.- Regarding the form:
As a Christian I do not use the word "mantra" and much less "F..king". Therefore, I will not use them in that way. The good thing is that there is no discrimination in this project. So we respect, who wants to use them like that. The most important thing is to understand the background and the objective of said phrase.
3.- Regarding the Operative (Reality of each person):
I know that for several people coming from countries with economic crises. The income in SBD and STEEM obtained in this social network helps them to survive (and in many cases it is not enough). Therefore it is understood that they do not invest all their income in STEEM POWER (SP). However, my opinion and suggestion:
Let's continue working together for a better world, inside and outside of STEEM.
Friend, I apologize for the length of my response.
God bless you, a big hug.
"I'm not selling my Steem power for less than $100"
PS: I hope to do the alpha and beta vlogs soon.
My Mantra:
I will do anything in my power to promote this sir!
Those are the screenshot of my What'sApp Status, Facebook Status, and Instagram Status.
Awesome my friend :)
I’m not selling Steem power less than $100
Thank you.
I just got 2 individuals signed up not quite long. They saw My Mantra Status and they asked me what it was all about. So I explained to them in details and they signed up immediately.
My Mantra Status has promoted STEEM and I'm glad about it.
I'm not selling my Steem power for less than $100
I'm not selling my Steem power for less than $100
I'm not selling my Steem power for less than $100
Happy day nathan, I hope you are well, greetings
Likewise enjoy your day @jennimorillo :)
I’m not selling my Steem power for less than $100
I'm not selling my Steem power for less than $100
I'm not selling my Steem power for less than $100
I'm not selling my Steem power for less than $100
Today this is my mantra and tommorrow this will be the mantra of the whole world.
If we dissolve this mantra in our blood then we can achieve our goal.
We will win together. @yameen
I give big salute to you coz you try to develop steem citizens. That;'s amazing idea you decided name called Steemian Mantra.Good evening dearest friend @nathanmars.
I'm not selling my Steem power for less than $100
I'm not selling my Steem power for less than $100
I'm not selling my Steem power for less than $100
My life mantra is
Do good and good come to you
Steem mantra
I’m not fucking selling Steem power less than $100
I’m not fucking selling Steem power less than $100
I’m not fucking selling Steem power less than $100
I’m not fucking selling Steem power less than $100
I'm not selling my Steem power for less than $100
My life mantra is
Do good and good come to you
Steem mantra
I’m not fucking selling Steem power less than $100
My mantra campaign :
This is the link to my D live
Am keep saying it Pls check it. Thanks @nathanmars
Is it ok if I do a full featured post on your SH10K and SteemMantra movement. We @CGP beleave in what you are doing and would love to help spread the word to the Steem communities.
I'm "NOT" selling my Steem for less then $100
you can see some of the work we have done under the
It would be an honor to feature you on our blog and who knows maybe even one day a DLIVE interview XD
Totally fine.
I really appreciate your contribution.
Thank you :)
Who is buying my steem power $200 because I am not selling less than $100.
#steemian mantra
No estoy vendiendo mi poder Steem por menos de $ 100
Por favor mira mi introduccion
Sorry to interupt, you are not individual, we are with you @nathanmars
I'm not selling my steem power for less than 100 us Dollar.
I'm not selling my Steem power for less than $100
I'm not selling my Steem power for less than $100
I'm not selling my Steem power for less than $100
I'm not selling my Steem power for less than $100
It is now what we must always keep in mind we are going to be positive we are going to call this we are going to make this happen we can all this now we must not repeat them many times the power of the mind is incredible
I will do it in English and my Spanish language
I have sold a friend for 1 week because of the crisis that my country is going through. I do not want to sell them because they are paid here at a low price, but in order to buy food, I have to say good greetings.
What is steemian mantra?
I’m not selling my Steem power for less than $100
Oe, i see now.
I will not sell my Steem Power.
I think you are not american or british. Oa, may i ask you something, where do you come from @nathanmars?
Yes you can ask me anything my friend.
I’ve three passports and I’m global citizen. We’re all one human.
All the countries are man made
So, what are they my friend?
Where do you live right now?
I’m currently staying in Kyoto, Japan. I visit
San Francisco and London very often.
I do not want to associate myself with any countries because I love them all.
How about you ? I’m sure I’ll meet you in person one day :)
I live in Aceh. Aceh is one of the cities in Indonesia. Aceh is located in the western part of Indonesia.
I hope so my friend @nathanmars
Come rain come sun...
I am not selling my steempower for less than $100
Do good and good come to you
I’m selling Steem power less than $100
Chanting now ,"I'm not selling my Steem power for less than $100
I'm not selling my Steem power for less than $100
I'm not selling my Steem power for less than $100"
Also try this...
Do good and good come to you
I’m selling Steem power less than $100
I’m not selling Steem power less than $100
I’m not selling Steem power less than $100
For sure, Heck no.. (even for my small steem)
I'm not selling my Steem power for less than $100
Its a Very great compaign challenging all of us here to stay committed to the steem blockchain.
Indeed More power enables you to earn more money.
Am not selling my steem power for less than $100
Also try this...
Do good and good come to you
I’m selling Steem power less than $100
You are wonderful Nathan!
what's my mantra @joythewanderer???
I'm not selling my Steem power for less than $100
Thank you Joy!
Happy Steeming!
I'm not selling my Steem power for less than $100
Good morning @nathanmars and thanks for the reply yesterday. This is motivation at its finest!
PS. I am not selling my steem even if it reaches 100$. I will start considering at 150$
Powering down and selling was never an option
Have a wonderful day everyone!
Please use the Steemian Mantra in everything you do within the steem world.
Enjoy your day :)))You're most welcome @mindtrap!!!
Beautiful @nathanmars I believe its a brilliant prospect that's collectively possible, with hardwork as well
I'm not selling my steempower for less than $100 as well,
Certainly I'll start using the "Steemian Mantra" as well.
Thank you and much appreciate it bro!
I'm not FUCKING selling my Steem power for less than $100
[I.N.S.M.SP.F.L.T.$100] I have my own plans for my family and friends on facebook. It isn't public. Also, I will put the mantra on @nathanmars related content. I have my own branding and plans, so, I still hope you would like to work together.
I'm not selling my Steem power for less than $100
I'm not selling my SP. -my mantra
“You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever.
I can see my dots are connecting with Steemit journey and we'll get connected soon :)))
I'm not selling my Steem power for less than $100
Tony Robbins
Posted using Partiko Android
I stand with you @nathanmars... Am not selling my steem power for less than $100
Understanding the STEEM-POWER is the foundation of success with Steemit.
I'm not FUCKING selling my Steem power for less than $100
I'm not FUCKING selling my Steem power for less than $100
I'm not FUCKING selling my Steem power for less than $100
Even thinking of selling my steem power makes me sick.
I’m glad to hear. What’s my mantra @tesaganewton ???
Ain't fucking selling my steem power for less than $100.
Hey! Did you say you wanna buy some steem? O boy, you will need to do some hustling cos...
I'm not selling my steem for less than $100
I'm not selling my Steem power for less than $100
I'm not selling my Steem power for less than $100
I'm not selling my Steem power for less than $100
We die here today!
I am not selling my steem power for less than £100
Its the real deal
I hope we all can make this happen.
Imagine . World with $100STEEM
Its gonna be loud.Thats the spirit @nathanmars
We just keep preaching it,
We keep proclaiming its adoption.
$100STEEM is possible
steemian Mantra
Also try this...
Do good and good come to you
Add value to others and STEEM Power come to you.
I’m not selling Steem power for less than $100
I'm not selling my Steem power for less than $100

I'm not selling my Steem power for less than $100
I'm not selling my Steem power for less than $100
I'm not selling my Steem power for less than $100
Do good and good come to you
I’m not selling Steem power less than $100
You better edit your reply now and put not... Lol
I'm not selling mine less than $100, if you are selling less than that, let me buy from you... Smile
Edit it and put
Just checking if you’re reading my comment. lol
I'm not selling my Steem power for less than $100
Lol, I do anyway... My correction is the the evidence.... Lol
Recently I started a workshop called CRP here we treat energies and positivism through emotion
So I'm going to apply it here I'm going to think with emotion and good vibes that I'm going to see my Steem power up a lot more than $ 100
I'm not selling my Steem power for less than $ 100
I'm not selling my Steem power for less than $ 100
I'm not selling my Steem power for less than $ 100
I like it. I'm not selling my Steem power for less than $ 100
Do good and good come to you
I’m selling Steem power less than $100
I'm not selling my Steem power for less than $100
I'm not selling my Steem power for less than $100
I'm not selling my Steem power for less than $100
Excellent idea, the mantra is a great tool of protection that manages to change our mind for our own benefit and of the neighbor, I hope you are a good friend, @nathamars
Do good and good come to youAlso try this @perlanacarada
I’m selling Steem power less than $100
I stand with you as well @nathanmars, and I believe that with your vision, we can get there soon. With hardworking of course.
I'll start using the mantra from now on and will get others involved as well.
I'm not selling my Steem power for less than $100
I'm not FUCKING selling my Steem power for less than $100
I'm not FUCKING selling my Steem power for less than $100
I'm not FUCKING selling my Steem power for less than $100
I'm not FUCKING selling my Steem power for less than $100

I'm not FUCKING selling my Steem power for less than $100
I'm not FUCKING selling my Steem power for less than $100
I'm not FUCKING selling my Steem power for less than $100
I'm not FUCKING selling my Steem power for less than $100
I'm not FUCKING selling my Steem power for less than $100
I'm not FUCKING selling my Steem power for less than $100
I'm not FUCKING selling my Steem power for less than $100
I'm not FUCKING selling my Steem power for less than $100
I'm not selling my steem power for less than 100 us Dollar.

I'm not selling my steem power for less than 100 us Dollar.
That's the way to go
I'm not selling my strengths power for less than 100$
I'm not selling my Steem power for less than $100

I'm not selling my Steem power for less than $100
I'm not selling my Steem power for less than $100
I'm not selling my Steem power for less than $100
I'm not selling my Steem power for less than $100
I'm not selling my Steem power for less than $100
I'm not selling my Steem power for less than $100
Me too my friend! The time will come that our content is worth its real value. I believe in this and you my man !
No matter what,
I am not selling my Steem Power for less than $100
No matter what
Do good and good come to you
I’m selling Steem power less than $100
This is good news for good steemians who have goals to realize, focus and determination no matter what, steem reaching $100 in couple years, even before that stipulated time.
Advocating steem #$100
Do good and good come to you
I’m selling Steem power less than $100
I'm not fucking selling my steempower below $100
I stand with steemian mentra and am not selling my sp for less than $100
Also try this...
Do good and good come to you
I’m selling Steem power less than $100
Ok thanks bro i will put that into consideration if the situation around will permit me... And i also notice dat u visited my account today to check my vlogs thanks very much.
You’re welcome bro!
I start believing you more :)))
Keep up your good work!!!
I'm not selling my Steem power for less than $100
Thanks for believing in me...
Ok i will try my best, Thanks once again you can see my reputation scores have been solve now.....
Steem mentra, that is spirit and determination, i will not sell my steem power for less than $100,
when i saw ur reply that u said "you are selling your steem power less than $100" i have been thinking that what happened and why will u make the decision but am happy now...
I ain't giving up shit if I ain't selling my Steem to $100(a hundred dollars) then ain't selling at all
My Mantra
I'm not selling my Steem power for less than $100!
I'm not selling my Steem power for less than $100!!
I'm not selling my Steem power for less than $100!!!
Thanks @nathanmars I will keep saving it everywhere.
Hello, excellent friend campaign. I join the company "Steemian Mantra
What’s the Steemian Mantra @taybel ???
What he achieved with determination and dedication
I'm not selling my Steem power for less than $ 100. I'm not selling my Steem power for less than $ 100.
I do not sell my Steem dreams for less than $ 100
Let's do it well and do not look here without expecting anything in return. and we will be rewarded with better things. Greetings from Venezuela @nathanmars