Kerbal Space Program - Played by an Aerospace Engineer

in #dlive7 years ago (edited)


Playing the game "Kerbal Space Program", and as an engineer I hope it won't be too hard for me to reach some other planets in the Kerbin system.

Feel free to ask any questions. You can find a lot of games for relatively cheap on G2A, and they started accepting payments in cryptocurrency!

Enjoying the stream and feel like sending a tip? Most tips will appear on stream for recognition.

$1 TTS
$3 Media Share
Appreciated but not expected.
Tip using cryptocurrency!

send DOGE directly: DMwGDWMLwCNWnMrWSM5E1hwsTH3rwH7vYX
[memes are the future of the economy] Very thanks. Many accept. Wow.

Streams are saved on this channel for viewing at your convenience. Check my playlists ( for previous episodes as VoD's are kept unlisted until I can verify if edits are needed; or for other various reasons. If edits are needed, they're edited within YouTube, and may require some time to reprocess. All VOD's should be available within 24-48hrs, however some may be held so to be released in the chronological order.

GPU: GeForce GTX 1080 FE (overclocked +150mhz/+300mhz)
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700K CPU (Overclocked to 4.70GHz)
Memory: 16 GB RAM (15.96 GB RAM usable)
Display resolution: 1920 x 1080, 120Hz
Operating system: Microsoft Windows 10 Education.

My live stream is at DLive