Today we're going to watch the media reaction to the Florida School Shooting then discuss some solutions for these issues!
Also I'm going to erotically play with pretend guns. Cos fuck ya.
My live stream is at DLive
Today we're going to watch the media reaction to the Florida School Shooting then discuss some solutions for these issues!
Also I'm going to erotically play with pretend guns. Cos fuck ya.
My live stream is at DLive
Very nice!!
I'll take that blame. Getting a grreat show
well fought in the contest foxon
woot woot! no thank you
No vibe and tweets tonight?!
I accept full blame on behalf of all viewers. I am... porn Jesus
Use a car
the view is idiots.
a knife
a chop stick
a spork
hahaha really?
You'll shoot your eye out!!
I own Hatred on steam. DAE?
pepper i made it to the stream lol
Pardon me for being edgy 12 year old: When freedom is outlawed, only outlaws will be free. Reeeeeeeeeeeee!
sharp edge. ouchie. so sharp edge
do u always do your shows solo?
Trying to get a starring role, @cryptogrind?
that'll take some doing seeing as im in england and pepper is in canada ... lol
I know that feel. It's kind of terrifying.
I bet you would have fun shooting one
This dude's asshole is going to get destroyed in prison.
I heard it early, its probably like the white supremacist fake news.
Hello there!
Cops: STFU or I will kill you! Crawl toward me!
crawling dude gets shot
Funny overlap: the anti-government crowd is much the same people as the "learn how to act in a way to make sure the cop doesn't shoot you" crowd. Seriously - government bad, but it's your own fault if they shoot you
bye pepper
This guy was within the confines of the law when he purchased the weapons.
Getting guns illegaly
He bought them legally.
Thanks for making this all better to listen to, Pepper :)
Havent been able to tune in for a while. hows it going !
mic drop
Canadian Breaking bad was a good comic
Hospitals use to have to treat you with insurance
but do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars.
Declare Bankruptcy and go directly to Jail. You lose!
Criminals don't follow laws
As someone who owns guns, including an AR-15...we need more gun control.
difficult to believe though, from obama to this, anyway, lets just hope that he calms down soon enough and realises the responsibility that he holds, being american president is not a joke or something to mock about with