in #dlive7 years ago


Today let's react to the alt right! Their videos as well as video about them, and learn about this bizarre new culture..or is it just reinvented?!
Discussion and video suggestions encouraged =)

My live stream is at DLive


every Example of how bad communism is basically being starved to death by western sanctions because we can’t exploit their resources. North Korea is sitting on 6 trillion dollars in rare earth metals.

Venezuela is always being screwed with because they have lots of oil. If these places had nothing they would not even be in our vocabulary. I think they end up being a dictatorship because the CIA is constantly trying to have the leaders murdered to install a puppet who will hand their resources over to us.
I don’t think it’s fair to assess a country when there are so many external factors.
Which is ironic because Russia did not hack the us elections, we Americans have complete control over manipulating our own elections.

^^THAT gets a fuckin upvote =D

hello my honey

mics a bit low, raise it up a bit!

great content pepper! :D keep it up!!
(like/followback my stream too pls<3)

What's the percentage of porn to politics?

Dank 👍

Alt left... American politics is very “right leaning”. If you scrub back through the 90s 80s ... 40s you will see the shift. Things democrats say now are things republicans used to say. If you go back far enough the republicans were more left than any politician alive today.

We have one party in politics and that is the money party. So by contrast anyone left of the mainstream money propaganda machine is seen as alt left. It’s amazing how much the definitions have shifted.

exactly. the whole two party system idea itself is a lie. there isn't two parties just two teams and you can be part of one of them! that's it. can you decide what they actually do when in power? fuck no! you just get to pick the one whose platform you identify with most and hope they do ANYTHING similar to it! what a divine comedy!