I've stopped streaming from this account and have moved to using @patulrich as my primary streaming account. You can catch my streams on the Hive enabled Vimm.tv. If you want to follow along on another platform I'm also live on YouTube, Twitch and Theta.tv. I'd be honored if you'd stop by and leave a comment plus subscribe on these platforms.
You can find me on the following platforms:
Vimm - https://www.vimm.tv/@patulrich
Theta.tv - https://www.theta.tv/patulrich
Twitch -
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/patrickulrich
If you'd like to support my content please consider giving this post an upvote or using one of the following to send any donations you'd like:
Hivelive.me - https://hivelive.me/donate/patrickulrich
Tippin.me - https://tippin.me/@patrick_ulrich
Cool stream at Dlive @patrickulrich
Thanks for stopping in @denver86!
Hi everyone say hi to us!!
very nice
Thanks for stopping in @big-m!
Hey Patrick, Hi everyone. tell him California says hi. we'll check him out when/if we're in town.
Thanks for stopping in @scottandrew201! I passed along the message. I think he was blown away by Steem.
wow, how does this work?
Here's the apps you can do mobile streaming
Android - Broadcast Me - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.streamaxia.broadcastme&hl=en
Apple - Live:Air Solo - https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/live-air-solo/id1051147032?mt=8
How do you use mobile phone to broadcast?
Nice the mobile is looking good! #Yummy
Thanks for stopping in @gattisstatus! It worked better than I thought.
🍽 Bon Appetit
LMAO! When we hear from him. We will let yall know.
I can't wait to see how it turned out
Any updates on Vlad from last night @gattisstatus
is there something we need to do so that you earn from this live stream?
All it takes is just sharing your upvote @scottandrew201! If you don't mind you can always restreem my post so that your followers can see it too. Thanks for jumping in!
seems like it was cool :D
It turned out well but for some reason didn't save the video to DLive's server. I'll have to play around more to find what's going wrong.
did it work as i am not able to see it don't know why
Yeah it was working but for some reason didn't save like normal. I'm going to have to play more I think.
it was cool i guess and we can stream from mobile too wow
Yup you just need an app that can talk RTMP.
Here's the apps you can do mobile streaming
Android - Broadcast Me - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.streamaxia.broadcastme&hl=en
Apple - Live:Air Solo - https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/live-air-solo/id1051147032?mt=8
Great visuals great scenes behind dlive guys u r gonna rock.
Thank you very much @saikr! We just wanted to share some of our city with everyone.
Seems like I missed the feed !
I think that there was a problem saving the feed. For whatever reason it didn't save to my DLive profile but was available while it was live.
Ahhhh man the link would not work for me for some reason? Is there another link by any chance?
I'm not sure what happened. It linked well during the livestream but for whatever reason it didn't save the video. I'm guessing maybe the Broadcast Me encodes in something not compatible with DLive's player but not sure why it worked live.
Ok I'm new to all of this so clueless lool all good man! Hopefully i will catch some of your stuff in the future 😉👊🏽