MSP The Alternative Lifestyle Show - Friday 23 March 2018 [recording]

in #dlive7 years ago


In case you missed the show here is the recording of last Friday's episode of Pennsif's Alternative Lifestyle Show.

The show aired on MSP Waves Radio on Friday 23 March 2018.

This was a special show - A View from the Ozarks - featuring @papa-pepper, @awesomehomestead, @armadillocreek, @borrowedearth, @freedompoint, @rockybrookfarm and HomesteadCrossing.

This recording is also available on YouTube :

Each week the Alternative Lifestyle Show will be cover a whole range of topics including homesteading, prepping, homeschooling/unschooling, tiny houses, complimentary medicine, alternative energy, cooking, particularly low meat, vegetarian and vegan, permaculture and organic gardening.

If you have a passion for any of these subjects and would like to come on future shows please drop a comment below or find me on Discord at Pennsif#9921.

The Alternative Lifestyle Show is on MSP Waves Radio on Fridays, 10pm - midnight UTC.

My video is at DLive


Thanks for the great opportunity to be on your show. It was a good time. Be well!

It was great to have you on the show again.

yeahh pennsif!! that was a great show <3 and greetings to the stars that were in there they made it perfect

Thank you so much means alot.

Thank you for coming on the show.

Hope you enjoy the show.

Thank you so much for allowing me to take part! I had a great time!

Thank you for coming on the show.

I found it a really interesting show to do. It was good to get the views of Pat from HomesteadCrossing as well. Thanks to @awesomehomestead for getting Pat on the show.

That was a nice group of interviews with enthusiastic homesteaders! Here's to their continued success in realizing their dreams for their homesteads! The Ozarks are beautiful, that's for sure!

Thanks for that. I enjoyed making the show.

I'm sure Oregon isn't so bad either. If you would like to come on the show as well you would be most welcome...

This was a great line up!

It was a very interesting show to do.

Happy Sunday! This comment is to inform you that your article has been linked and featured in the most recent Weekly Homesteading Newsletter! Thank you and have a great day!

That is great - thank you.

Ok, well noted. Viewing your all your videos. Thanks for sharing this