Video of natural scenery tour in Kebumen, Indonesia

in #dlive7 years ago


Kebumen is one of the cities in Indonesia that has beautiful natural attractions. Such as beaches, hills, waterfalls, history, landscapes, rocks, reservoirs and many others.

My video is at DLive


Aku nyoba dlive gak bisa bisa hehe

sabar-sabar Mba,,mungkin belum karen jaringan lagi kurang bersahabat, atau quota kurang,,hahaha

Haha... Kuota di sini isinya 1 bulan sekali 😊😊

Bukannya pakai wifi mba disana..

Kemaren2 pake wifi, cuma kalo pake wifi kalau keluar jadi off .

hihihihihihi..... berarti wifinya ikutan dibawa keluar mba..:-D


still 12 hours left to submit a drawing ;-)Sorry to be out of subject @permanayogi , but I wanted to let you know about this possibility to participate to my last challenge :

Sorry @luigi-the-gnome, until Wednesday I have not been able to follow the contest, because I have a busy life. I was told to be the governor's election committee for Wednesday tomorrow. The next contest, hopefully can follow-up

No problemo ^_^ Hope you can joyfully manage your busy life ! =))
Greetings and looking forward to see you next time ! ;-)

Marketing tandingan dinas pariwisata

Nyong udu tandingan Disparta yaaaa...hahahahha

Pakai software apa ngeditnya ?

pakai power point, hahahahahaha...

Nampak hampir seperti bukan di Kebumen. Terlihat mahal

Aslinya kebumen Mahal, orang-orangnya yang belum bisa menjadikan kebumen mahal, hanya masih sekedar terlihat mahal. Nah Lhooo