~*~Health Is Natural, It Is Unhealthy That Is UnNatural~*~ Dlive Video Inside

in #dlive7 years ago


I was meditating on a cold rainy day and wanted to share some insights which I have found to be of great value.

I posted a video the other day on some simple tips that I live by to stay healthy, easily without having to go on diets or work out.
I wrote a whole book on health titled "Full Spectrum Health" years ago. I care a great deal about health as all of life is better when healthy.

I could go on and on about health as it is a subject of great depth. However what I have found to be true is that health is actually natural and it is being unhealthy that is un natural.

I discuss it in this video and feel it is very valuable as I have over a decade of living proof on the subject.

My video is at DLive


You've helped me to achieve the best health of my life, and that is with me only taking a handful of the plethora of suggestions you offer up to me!

I can just imagine what I could be like and feel like if I were to more actively and consistently take care of my health in the ways you have shown me!

Yes....Its amazing actually because while you have plenty of room to improve you are actually healthier than you were 10 years ago whereas most people get less healthy each year.

Grateful have made some progress, there is always more that can be made but progress is progress.

I also believe its a compounding reality, the progress you have made actually inspires/motivates you to make MORE progress thus a snowball effect.

Thanks for sharing a little bit of your experience here. Hope to see more of it!


I eat mostly veggies fruit and beans all day, all health food :)

Well said! In todays age, it can be difficult to avoid all the unhealthy stuff. Especially those that are misinformed. I avoid taking medication if I can, and I seem to stay healthier because of it.

When it comes to being disconnected from nature, we are usually always disconnected, because we wear shoes and sit in our comfy homes on carpet. It has become "unnaturally natural" to be disconnected from the world.

It wasn't until last year that I discovered the benefits of barefoot walking. This connects my body and my skin to the earth and I believe there are health benefits to this.

I did not think you'd cover barefoot walking but you did! When I discovered barefoot walking I was getting into orgone pyramids. The way I saw it was that I was disconnected from the earth with my shoes and man-made sidewalks and the earth is the biggest orgone pyramid, and it's all around us at all times.

Thanks for your inspirational words!

Happy to share the simple yet inspiring secrets of life!
Glad it is valuable to you and hope it helps connect others as well!
Thanks for sharing a comment!

Nice post buddy....

With unnatural live style we create a number of health problems. And then we try to cure them with other unnatural medications which lead to other health problems. Long story short we cure the symptoms instead of disease of unnatural live style.

Health... a topic near and dear to my heart. Sharing all your knowledge is so important, and having the "proof is in the pudding" to go with it is even more valuable. It just goes to show you how much dysfunction plays a role in our lives and existence. So many of us already have this innate knowledge within, but ignore it or discard it or bury it because of other issues happening. Thanks for keeping us aware Quinn!

I love fast food though it is unhealthy

I have witnessed that many people have a hard time even fathoming what it is that you share. From the perspective of life from which most of us have grown, it is hard to believe that health is natural. But when one realizes that we are not living a natural life, it is easy to see how the disconnect is actually ruling our lives.

The insight you have to share on health is really quite profound--though so natural, and once you hear it is kind of like....duh! You can point out the simple things that make so much sense, yet has been hidden from awareness and beyond most people's reach since the day they were born.

Thanks for keeping it real, for sharing the limitless possibilities, and for doing it everyday!!!

how u get dlive to upvote consistently ?

well if you check I did 6 videos in a row with no up vote....so its NOT consistently.
However its the same as with all other success, persistence and improvement.

But I feel like some have faster metabolism due to exercise or genetics, that makes them eat more food, sometimes unhealthy ones, and STILL keep their physical body in tune.
I think that it's important to be happy with the body that you have.
Don't like it? Exercise and eat better!Great video @quinneaker, I always to eat a balanced meal, protein, carbs and a BUNCH of veggies!

Everyone is different and there is always something we can do to improve~*~

Having natural things always make us healthy...
Having unnatural things like fast foods will ultimately make our clock travel faster leaving us less time to live.....

yup, or like inside air, or water from pipes, pretty simple really.

I am not gaining weight despite the fact that I eat a lot. What could I do?

gaining weight is what you want? or getting muscle is what you want?
only way to get muscle is to use your muscles intensely on a regular basis. Specifically like lifting weights.

Your content is very good, I love it

Nice post you very good

good healthy post

Natural health!

Very informative post!...good health and healthy life requires eating healthy👍

food is one important part of many to good health.

It’s for sure that healthy is natural. Thank you for sharing~

Thanks for commenting.

Any apple a day keeps anyone away if u throw it hard enough at them... get some Inner peace and feel good :p P.S try at ur own risk


did u try... or it just made u lauf :p

haha what do you think ;-)>

u dont look likea moron :p i must say that... hehe... but did try :p

Hey @qiunneaker , this is great contribution u did here to this community. Thanks.

I would like to add a quote here , that may be helpful to bloggers on this platform;

Why You Should Upvote Comments!!!!
I've noticed alot of people doesnt reward their followers, and their commenters on here.
It's a shame.
When someone takes the time to not only read your post but to leave a comment. Even throwing your small vote their way does a lot of great things...
They are More Likely To Follow You;
I'm not saying you should upvote every single comment you get. I try and look for those that I feel provide value to the post. When they see that you upvoted their comment and they will be rewarded as a result. This encourages them to follow you; Then you'll have a regular on your post!
You can grow your followers so that they can grow you;
If they choose to keep their Steem in their account, They may power it up. If you continuously are upvoting their great comments, then they will steadily grow overtime. Their vote will be worth even more, and they'll be able to upvote you, The upvotes you gave them helps them grow, so they have more power on the platform.

hahahahaha this is hilarious!
Your copy pasting a spam about how we should up vote comments while really just proving why SO FEW comments are worth an up vote!
Your rep is proof positive! I almost want to up vote it just to prove another point but won't cause you don't deserve it haha.

Nice post lovely contents. I guess I have a lot to learn from you.

I hope so!

Without health, everything else doesn't matter.

Not quite true but everything is def worse.

At times we do not remember the days,we remember the moments ,i'll always remember the moment i started reading this post, thank you

Your welcome

Remember the mind is everything, What you think you become, i can't believe it's right to let people be with guns

Freedom and responsibility is what is important~*~

if unhealthy is so unnatural why do we need to struggle to be healthy? Why must we exercise and fight temptation to smoke and drink and binge and be lazy, all of which feels natural? Is it because our brain is wired to be unhealthy and self destructive?

Great question!
its because you grew up in an unnatural world/life and are not at peace orhappieness and thus try and fill the void with substances.
When one is happy and at peace one needs almost nothing.
Also if you were free to be/do what you want instead of forced to go to school, church etc then you wouldn't want to be lazy. Laziness comes from a life of having to do things all the time.

Quite insightful words, poignant too. I'll meditate on them in time. Thanks

So you decided to get back on Dlive, I'm so confused now

I never said I was never going to use it again.
I believe in its potential and talked to them about improvements and feel they are on the track to success and want to support that. They are in process of making key improvements and are being honest and progressive. So I will support it as long as that is happening.

Wish DLive worked better so I could watch this..

hahahahaha yea me too....

You only uploaded it to DLive though right? I tried loading it many times and even leaving it open for hours and it wouldn't get past a minute into the video haha, really wanted to watch this one x)

yea only uploaded it to dlive however because it is consistently NOT working I am going to upload them all to youtube also from now on and post them in comments so if it doesn't work someone can watch it.

<3 looking forward to being able to watch them!! <3