Video Link as below:
When I was at my parents apartment a couple of weeks ago, they were kind enough to make me my favourite childhood snack Cassava Cake! I was over the moon as it does takes a certain amount of effort to make at home so this really was a special treat! Hence, I am very excited to share with my Steemian friends the entire process of creating this sumptuous cake from scratch.
Cassava Cake is actually a famous Hakka cuisine. The Hakka community are a cultural group originating in North China but at a later stage migrated to the south. My mum being part of the **Hakka people, I was exposed to the rich Hakka culture from a young age and as a great little perk, their delicious dishes too. Cassava Cake is known for its distinct taste and is considered very popular. It's a dish you will never miss at any Hakka dinner party so therefore comes heavily recommended from me for you to try out.
Cassava (preferable the purple one)
Spring Onion
Oil, Salt
Dried shrimps (optional)
1/ Peel the skin of the cassava.
2/ Grate the cassava in a big bowl and set aside. It is recommended you use a thin pair of gloves if you have sensitive skin.
3/ Chop the spring onions into fine pieces.
4/ Add the flour, spring onion, dried shrimps and salt into the cassava bowl and mix well.
5/ Pour oil in a pan and place over a medium heated stove. Carefully spoon a large dollop of the mixture into the pan. Continue to add more depending on how big your wok is. Cook for about 5 minutes on each side until it turns a lovely golden brown colour.
And Voila! An authentic and unique pan fried *Cassava Cake made in the traditional Hakka style and ready to serve. The cake should be nice and crisp on the outside and deliciously soft in the middle. The aroma alone should send your taste buds into overdrive, lol. And finally, enjoy while it’s piping hot.
前几个星期我在广州家里的时候,妈妈做了我小时候很爱吃的客家煎薯饼 ,又叫薯粄。我好开心哦,所以在这里和我的Steemian朋友们也分享一下,希望你们喜欢。
1/ 大薯削皮,清洗干净,待用。
2/ 把大薯磨成泥酱。建议戴手套,避免直接触手会出现瘙痒状况。
3/ 把葱切粒,待用。
4/ 把切好的葱粒,虾米,面粉和盐倒入薯酱中,用手抓匀。
5/ 在锅里放入适量油,待油温7成热的时候往锅里放薯酱。放的时候尽量放成一个圆饼的形状。根据锅的大小,放入适量的薯饼数量。每面煎大约5分钟,待薯饼两边呈金黄色便可。

My video is at DLive
Looks nice and delicious. I love sea food, mostly shrimps :) Keep up the good work!
Never seen this before but now have to wonder if you can make the thing I know as 算盘子。
算盘子is also one of the famous Kakka dishes but I never made it before, perhaps I will try it next time :)
I love the fruits of the sea, I never imagined that this could be done, I have a food blog and believe that I never imagined that this could be done, and I will try. Thank you for the recipe @rea
Lovely post and tantalising food. Do you know that cassava contains 330 calories, 78 grams of carbohydrates, 3 grams of protein and 4 grams each of fiber and sugar
Mmm... Looks delicious
omg that looks so good. I´ve never eaten that before!!!
Hey Lisa, thanks for dropping by. :)
是的,哈哈 能做就不错了 像我只能旁边打下手
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