Great choice of music, so light and summery, and well-timed, the way the bridge is timed to match a step away from the exhibits, before the principal melody kicks back in with the items on show.
I also clicked on your Creators Conference Speech, and I love how in the moment you were, steeping out from your prepared speech to make jokes about interruptions. That's realness.
I love videos, but sometimes I'm on my phone, and have no data, so then it's blogs or nothing. :)
aww i'm so glad you enjoyed this little video! I'm so touched that you watched my speech from the Conference too! <3 Thanks for taking the time to do that and I'm really glad you found it interesting.
Totally get it on the video/data thing too. :)
You were so brave to get on that stage. How you avoided having an anxiety attack, I don't know. The stage looked so big, and you looked so small up there, alone. I imagine you realized at some point that openness and vulnerability are endearing and charming. Either that, or you tanked up on Chardonnay. Either way, well done again. :)