Building a Steemit Crew on | League of Legends | EU NE

in #dlive7 years ago


Already got 3 steemains (@dwarfche @shyhobotnize and @zeptonus) in and we are continously searching for more.

GOAL: is a team full of Steemians/Streamers playing 5 man premade ranked matches and having fun chatting on discord and streaming on Dlive!

If you are on EU NE and want to join, comment on the stream, contact me on discord (name is same as here) or ingame (again same nick as everywhere :)

No division requirements and everyone is welcome.

CURRENTLY: Playing mid Zyra or Renekton top, solo ranked matches until @dwarfche or @shyhobotnize decide to show up and join me.

REWARDING: good, creative comments, feedback on the stream and my viewers with upvotes (just recharged a bit from draining it a couple of days ago and am looking forward to sharing my part of the reward pool with my viewers)

PLEASE: Leave some feedback about the stream, as I'm testing volume levels for background music and voice. Tell me if the music is too loud and can you hear me well. ALL feedback is highly appreciated.

Hope you enjoy the game appreciate the beats :)

My live stream is at DLive


Can't wait to see your perform when the team is complete. Good luck...
Just play this game and im not that good. Lol
I play on ID server

Amazing stream, good quality... I like the overlay!

Your hair is good... even though you could use a comb :)

I am very happy to see your game with your team, you are a great player, very tense while waiting for your team to be a winner, your team finally won. congratulations :)

I love that song!😃

How do u get to join you

Am a gamer too

Her cool song hopefully can be a great team

The stream is not lagging^ as I said before

Lmao... I'll get you one then