Heart Chakra Yoga Flow

in #dlive7 years ago


It's Valentine's Day, and what better way to celebrate LOVE than by opening up the ol' heart chakra?!

I feel pretty chill today, so I had a mellow yoga flow with some gentle twists, hip openers, and heart activating poses.

The heart chakra is where the spiritual and physical realms meet. This is the seat of love, compassion, forgiveness, and acceptance in the body. If you're not consciously attending your heart center, old wounds can get stuck here, and it seems easy to hang onto grief, anger, jealousy, and grudges. The Sanskrit name of this chakra anahata means "unstruck" or "unhurt", indicating a pure place beyond the pain that shines on eternally.

There is a spiritual heart called hridaya on the right side of the chest that mirrors our physical heart on the left. It radiates a pure, infinite, immortal vibration that unites the individual to the whole of creation.

I love practicing outside, and it's easy to meditate on green - the color of the heart chakra - in front of the bamboo @gardenofeden.

We are fully held by divine love and light!

<3 Sara!

Song: "Seahorse"

Artist: Mellow Mystic

Album: Dancing in Dreams
Thanks once more to @allgoodthings for the aural blessings!

My video is at DLive

Hope you don't fuck up this time DLive!


There is a spiritual heart called hridaya on the right side of the chest that mirrors our physical heart on the left. It radiates a pure, infinite, immortal vibration that unites the individual to the whole of creation.

Wow! That is the first time I have heard that. What teaching is that part of, if I wanted to learn more? Thanks!

Oh man, that's a great question! Where do I start?...Have you heard of the Upanishads?

Hridaya is a Sanskrit word that comes from ancient vedic texts.
The word "vedic" describes something coming from the Vedas.
The Vedas are Hindu scriptures (hymns, to be more specific).
The Upanishads are part of the Vedas.
A great deal of yogic doctrine comes from this arena. (There are LOTS more yoga texts, but that's where some classic stuff comes from.)

Some people consider a study of the Vedas as integral to a meaningful yoga practice.
Jnana yoga is the yoga of self-study or wisdom.
So you can practice jnana yoga, study the Vedas and Upanishads, and learn more about hridaya.

You can also practice jnana yoga without specifically reading the Vedas and study your SELF instead... :)

While I believe a full spectrum yoga practice addresses the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual realms, personally, I don't believe in dogma. I find it more beneficial to cut right to the chase - yoga is consciousness.

Therefore, you can read all you want about hridaya (and it is a fascinating concept) or you can just meditate on and tune into your spiritual heart and FEEL and embody it to get the real juicy stuff out of it.

I'm familiar with the words, Upanishads and Vedas, but never made it much past the yamas and niyamas in yogic doctrine. This is my first time hearing about jnana yoga too, so lots to learn! One of the down sides of a home based practice is the need to be your own teacher. Thanks!

Where are you from, @kittyandcheese?

Western approaches to yoga like to compartmentalize and define everything and separate the different "types" of yoga. To me, real yoga is LIFE itself! Various teachings are just guides for interfacing it.

On the one hand, all these terms matter because maybe they help us understand ourselves a little better, but on the other hand they don't matter at all because we can just tap into our innate light, love, and truth at any time without the need for any words or language at all!

I get that. Yes. I have my own relationship to my practice that is enough regardless of anything else.

Didn't mean to question too much. I 'm just going though a phase of gathering new influences and something in your post struck me.

Thanks, @saramiller!

Do you know this one? One of the hardest texts I have ever read, barely grasped it, the second being Śakti and Śākta by John Woodroffe


I have not read that book @street.yoga. Sounds interesting! Can you tell me a summary?

In a dialogue between Tripurasundari and Bhairava, techniques like bavana meditation, mantras, pujas from the lowest ritualistic to the highest spiritual ones, nyasa and japa rites are described. Tantric tattvas are taken up, various hand mudras and kundalini meditation. This tantra is basically devoted to the beautiful goddess of the three cities and her manifestation in form of the triangle symbolizing the yoni and forming the sri chakra, including worship of the siddhis, here as deities, on the nine parts. It's a handful for a book with not even 200 pages, but I think you would like it :)

Oooooo yes it sounds right up my alley! I love to explore tantric liberation. I will search for an online version for this text.

Love the article. Heart shakra / love is the key. Why? The universe is one, single consciousness, although it does continually veil pieces of its own self from having direct awareness of this fact in order to produce excitement in its own existence. A common manifestation of this would be spirits, where a hint of inviduality can never be quite totally escaped. Anyways, this singular consciousness loves—that’s its primary function. Therefore, everything in the universe is made out of love.

Yoga is life~
Life is Yoga~*~


Oh that feels soooooo good! I can feel it in your photo. Grateful for this @saramiller!

Oh YEAH!!!!! 💛💛💛

Absolutely~ I’m with you! Even though I live very far, there is no limt in space or time once you open your true heart. Cheers~^^

YES!! Let it shine!!! ✨💛✨

This is so awesome @saramiller heart chakra. You are very smart thank you for share with us.

I wish i could stretch so easily, i use to do a lot of martial arts training and no matter how hard i tried to stretch every morning i would be back to square one, then the same routine of slowly relaxing my muscles so i could stretch like a normal person.

A regular yoga practice will improve your flexibility! The more you incorporate it into your day, the easier it will become. There is a lot of overlap between martial arts and yoga in channeling and directing your energy.

Sara can a ask you a question... What key is need to log in on this... I'm not able to do it... Screenshot_20180215-124433.png
I just don't get it... Have been trying many times.. I also want to upload my yoga videos... Thanks.. 🙏

Hello my friend! You can use your master Steemit password for this, but I don't suggest that - it's best to keep your master password offline as much as possible and use it only for financial transactions when you need to.

Instead, I recommend to use your Active password to sign into steemconnect (and ultimately DLive). Here's how to find it:

  1. Log into your Steemit account.
  2. Go to your Wallet tab.
  3. Go to Permissions tab.
  4. There you will see several passwords. Look at your Active password > to the right there is a button to reveal the private key. Click on that and it will reveal your private Active key.
  5. Copy/paste your private active key as the password you seek.

Blessings to you 🙏🏽

You know what .. I totally made not only my day yesterday but close to a new beginning or life ..I've been so down for a loooong time now because I haven't been able to upload my yoga videos to dtube for like 5 weeks... And i saw your Dlive video... For me a new video player or what I can call it... I checked it up and was struggling for a few hours finding the right key bla bla... And finally I made it happen.. Upload and ye 😍😍😍💙💚💙💚I will always be grateful for that to you... If I haven't been for I saw it at your blog... I haven't knowed yet.... And have still been really down because not able to upload any of my videos... Thanks alot sista... And i wish you a wonderful weekend... Now I'm going start upload to Dlive instead of the super annoying dtube... Omg I'm so happy and excited abt it... Thanks you so so much.. You might have a look at my yogs video... Or not... Anyway 🙏 big thanks for help me... This means more then you know for me... I'm working full time with steemit. Your a 🦄.

Dtube sucks - they take 25% of earnings.
Honestly DLive is not as awesome as I want it to be either.
@furion & his team are developing another decentralized video platform called @viewly, and I REALLY hope it's going to be epic!! It's not a workable product yet but keep an eye out > website view.ly

But for real, brother - if you're having great difficulty, stress, or struggles with anything, maybe just check your mental posture. If you can greet challenges with inner peace and non-attachment to the outcome, you become invincible! Wishing you all the best! 💛I'm happy to be of service @norwegianyogis!

Your absolutely right. I'm working on it .. Just so much waist of time trying to upload to dtube at last more then 300 times and when everything is supposed to be uploaded and looking judt fine .. I show error submitting to blockchain 🤣 always.. Times is pressures... Anyway problem solved... And thanks for letting me know about Dlive and soon view.ly .... I'm hyperactive and life haven't always been easy to me... But when I found yoga 3.5years ago... I kind of found my peace ✌️ have a lovely Sunday 🌟 sister 💙🙏

Heart chakra is the best! I did it and i liked it!

Great I hope you feel wonderful @bornprince!

Yap, thank you! @saramiller

Agnisthambasana, gomukhasana, baddha konasana, somethimes i wish I had more feminine hips :)

Ahhhhh my blessed hips are why I practice yoga! It's where I tend to store my physical and emotional tension.
I used to have such chronic hip pain that I never thought I could exist for a moment without it.
Within a month of starting a basic yoga practice, it disappeared completely. It was a miracle!
Now when things get tight and painful, I know it's time to do more yoga :)

So interesting to compare how men and women carry energy in the body!

But one month is really fast, how long did it take for you to get that firelog pose? And did you truly had an emotional release and all of a sudden the hips opened significantly?

No, over that first month I did not have one singular big emotional release - it was more a small series of things falling away bit by bit. And every day I felt better and better, and about a month after starting a practice I realized that I had been many days without hip pain and had sort of forgotten about it all together! I was building a new habit of feeling good rather than tuning into pain all the time.

I did not measure exactly when I could do agnisthambasana, but I did open up a significantly new range of motion in my hips alone over that first month.

However, potentially even more profound (as far as my hips are concerned :) ) was the 10 day silent meditation I took after a few years of doing yoga. I practiced no asanas at all, only meditated for 16+ hours a day, and sitting for all that time was one of the most physically painful things I've ever done. I released so much energetic shit in many layers during that meditation that at the end of it I could do hanumanasana, which I had never been able to do my whole life!

The body/mind/spirit connection is remarkable.

Wow that sound exactly like something I need, it was a vipassana retreat, right? Someday, I was already reaching out a while ago but they are usually fully booked out.
Probably because I really struggle to let go, my hips just won't open. Last year I tried to brutforce it, not a good idea, thankfully yoga humbles you and shows you where your place is at the moment :)

You make those moves look easy. Almost so that I could possibly attempt them... I've been considering taking up yoga.

Also not to take anything away from the yoga action, the dog makes the video that much better...

Happy V-Day!

I highly encourage you to give yoga a shot! There are countless physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual benefits ~ I find it makes EVERYTHING better. Even if life is good, yoga can make it better! If there's any way I can help you get started, I'm happy to be of service.

Hahaha, yes the dogs love to be around when I do yoga :)

Happy Valentine's Day @hrissm! 💛

Thanks for the words of encouragement. I need to take some time back from the bs that I don't need or want to be doing. And put it to something more useful, something that has:

countless physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual benefits

So when I'm ready I'll reach out for some insight and wisdom.


Hell yes, let all that BS go! Life is too precious to waste on things you don't want or need to be doing. 💛

I actually took the day off today to catch up on some me time. I'm headed in the right direction!

This is outstanding !This chakra has lots of benefits ! You have been doing great Sara !!😍🙏👏👍👌

Thank you @akkha!! 💛

meditation is key

Meditation is super primo. Everything can be a meditation! 🙏🏽

Heart chakra yoga was the best. start our journey with heart chakra exercise on the day of love. . Thank you very much @saramiller for sharing this wonderful exercise with us. .

You're welcome @rahulsen 💛

Happy Valentine's Day! Check out this little heart chakra Mandala I drew :


Happy Valentine's Day!! What a beautiful mandala ~ so so warm to my heart chakra! 💛

So stoked it gave you a good vibe! :)

Happy valentines day dear...ur yoga tips very helpful to us..we need to practice everyday yoga..Yoga has so many benefits to the body, mind & spirit. You bring such good energy and great information..

Happy Valentine's Day @nontu! I hope your day is overflowing with love & light! 💛

thank you dear:)

Feliz día de San Valentin

Feliz dia a ti! 💛


@saramiller what is the next step of yoga i am waiting and i want to resteem your post on my blog because its related to my blog Thank you.

The next step? Everything is yoga!

nice one - like it. what beautiful image with your dog next to you.

Thank you. He's not my dog, but he does like to hang out with me :)

Nice picture and great article, @saramiller. I like it

Very nice post @saramiller! thanks for sharing and glad to meet you, happy Valentine's day my friends and hopefully we can share ...

Happy Valentine's Day! 💛

wonderful.. video i appreciate your post thanks for sharing.. carry on my dear.. resteemit..

Thank you!

Good post friend

Thanks friend

You are welcome friend
If I had time to visit my friend's blog

heart chakra is a best yoga for me.i will try to yoga of my home. really its yoga better for health.you enjoyed doing this yoga.thank u very much for ur good thought of yoga. @saramiller

You're welcome @timuann ~ I hope you feel better than ever!

Most welcome..

Looks beautiful there! I really like your practice and the music you chose :)

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment

Truth is truth! 💛