Hanging out and playing some Fallout 4. May work on one of my settlements or do some quests and looting. Let's see what needs to be done next in my game of Fallout 4. Cant wait until Fallout 76 gets here!
Come hang and join the adventure.
Gamer | Designer | Architectural Draftsman | Full Time Nerd
Recent Posts/Streams:
Gaming n' Chill Sesh 🤙 / June Summer of Streams (6/16/18)
Skyrim, Streaming New Adventures [Part 1] / June SoS 🤙
Prey New Game+ [Part 1]
Gaming n' Chill Sesh 🤙 / June Summer of Streams (6/14/18)
Gaming n' Chill Sesh 🤙 / June Summer of Streams (6/13/18)
Gaming n' Chill Sesh 🤙 / June Summer of Streams (6/12/18)
Bethesda E3 2018 Conference
Gaming n' Chill Sesh 🤙 / June Summer of Streams (6/10/18)
Gaming n' Chill Sesh 🤙 / June Summer of Streams
Fallout 4 Stream: Salvage, Explore, Loot / June Summer of Streams
Fallout 4 Stream: Build a Vault! [PART 5] / June Summer of Streams
MetamorphoSims - 1Fam - 01 - Intro
My live stream is at DLive
We are live from #DLive playing #Fallout4 (steemit)