insane amount of money just to hurt other people.Flagged for expressing his opinion. You're a real piece of shit, @berniesanders, and every other high horse busybody motherfucker here who's using an
You are the problem of Steemit, ok? Not the bots, not the people, You. You and all the self righteous cunts who just flagged this post, along with other cunts on this platform like madpuppy and grumpycat. I don't fathom how insane a person has to be to put hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of cryptocurrency into an account just to cost other people money and hurt them, like you do. You don't even abide by your own supposed rules; did Joey up here get 10 bots on the case and upvote the shit out of his comment? No, he just expressed his opinion. And not that it matters that he potentially missed out on the lousy 1 cent of payout he might get from the occasioned upvote, no you gangland hit squad motherfuckers had to pile on to really suppress what this guy was saying.
Man I've seen some shit on this platform and I never thought I'd look back fondly at the occasional follow/like spam I'd see on nearly every post, how quaint that is compared to what people like you do. You're genuinely psychopathic, you are the main problem of Steemit right now that I can see, beyond issues that will no doubt resolve themselves once the platform gains more users. Do you think people with skin in the game on this platform would risk saying something against bullies like you or acting up rather than being legitimately scared that criminals like you would come after their livelihood?
And the absolute worst here is that absolute imbeciles like you, @berniesanders, cannot be deleted or banned or invalidated in any way. You have free reign to bully whoever you like because you put a bunch of daddy's money into your account to go scratch people's cars online. You highlight that the problem we have here is actually the inverse of what the developers intended for this platform. Instead of it being free from censorship without a central authority exacting organised punishment against dissenters of any kind, we instead have given the abusers free reign as long as they have enough money to play the game. What do you think stops the PRC government or the NSA from dropping a billion bucks into steem and making sure that every mention of stuff they don't like will be nuked from orbit immediately? Or any corporation for that matter that wants to suppress information over illegal/immoral activity they're up to, or punish competitors?
And after all that, the fucking nerve you have to call yourself after Bernie Sanders, a real person who's done more work to help society in a day than you have in your whole life. You are putrid filth and don't deserve to breathe the same air as this man, or any air for that matter.
Fuck You.
what happens with flag im new in community