Too bad you're so inclined to beat the hell out of the truth. When you present a post you are expected to present a summary of your post and then leave it up to those in attendance to read your post and comment as they choose to. It is not for you to argue your case. Argue your case in the post. I've also interceded when people have chose to read their post instead of summarizing. The show is not there for anyone to hijack.
As for your claims of being censored. I really wonder if you even know what censorship is. Censorship means the suppression of information so it is not available for consideration by others. I invited others to read and draw their own conclusions, the material hasn't been removed from my published recordings and let's not ignore the fact that you had posted that article on my server four days earlier and it is still there.
That is not censorship. That is a host keeping her show on track. As for you being kicked, the mod who made that decision doesn't do so lightly with anyone. I trust her judgement or she wouldn't be a mod.
I don't really know what you are trying to do by providing such irrational arguments but you should take a look at what you are really saying. Makes no sense.
You said and It's clearly stated on your own show that you would not give me the voice anymore bc it was YOUR SHOW and you would not let anyone come to your voice and spread "lies". If that is not biased... You are only seeking to censure anything that you disagree on, just as a third-wave feminist loves to do. Very sad that a host in a show is such an irrational person, who only wants to have biased information, and is not open to hearing any other arguments that you do not support.
What just happened when somebody tried to say something that you guys did not agree with? CENSORSHIP. And then your mod kicked me out when I did nothing wrong just defending my point of view. It's a fact don't try to hide the truth of what you just do.
oh you poor little snowflake... you only got 1:20 ... so sorry ... I should have given you 2 minutes for me to realize that you were NOT summarizing the post ... you were arguing your case in a venue that is not setup for that purpose.
I don't need any feelings to know when someone is trying to set his own agenda instead of following the show's format. It just takes listening.
Since you had made a point of making sure I knew that post was there on my server by DMing me, I had read it and was very aware of the content which improved my ability to know what you were up to. Nice try.
"Improved my ability" You did not even read the whole thing, you did not even prove me wrong. Still waiting for the counter-argument of the post.
You had enough time to read it and at least give me an argument that's not based on your feelings.
Keep arguing about the summarizing. You clearly stated it was not due to the summarizing now you just want to change the narrative of your bigotry.
Let me make this very clear to you little one.
YOU behaved badly in my forum and were stopped from doing so.
YOU didn't like being accountable for YOUR behaviour.
If YOU don't want to behave property in other people's spaces then don't got there.
Can your brain absorb that message?
Well said.
really? xD