Halo teman-teman
malam ini saya menampilkan kembali keindahan kupu-kupu yang berdiri di ranting kayu kecil di aceh.
Hello friends
tonight I am re-displaying the beauty of a butterfly standing on a small wooden twig in aceh.
Saya dapat dengan bebas mengambil gambar dan video berdurasi pendek dengan kamera saya, dengan hasil yang sangat memuaskan saya dapat menampilkan gambar ini, sehingga Anda semua dapat melihat, di mana pun Anda berada.
I can freely take pictures and short-duration videos with my camera, with very satisfying results I can display this picture, so you can all see, wherever you are.
dalam gambar Anda dapat melihat keindahan warna dan bentuk kupu-kupu ini, semoga Anda dapat terhibur dengan keindahan hewan kupu-kupu ini.
in the picture you can see the beauty of the color and shape of this butterfly, hopefully you can be entertained with the beauty of this butterfly animal.
lihat koleksi gambar di galeri saya di bawah ini :
look at the collection of images in my gallery below :

Anda bisa melihatnya di video yang saya tunjukkan di atas, semoga terhibur.
You can see it in the video I showed above, hopefully entertained.
Jangan ke mana-mana, terus nikmati, yang saya tunjukkan di posting blog saya @sultan-aceh
do not go anywhere, continue to enjoy, which I show in my blog post @sultan-aceh
menurut gambar posting, untuk mencegah terjadinya SPAM Komentar.
Anda akan mendapatkan upvote bagus dari saya.@sultan-aceh, siapa pun yang memberikan komentar bagus dan panjang,
according to picture posting, to prevent the occurrence of SPAM Comments.
you will get a nice upvote from me.@sultan-aceh, anyone who gives good comment and long
- Kamera Foto Canon 1300D
- Kamera Video Handphone Canon 1300D
- Lokasi hutan Indonesia - aceh
- Videografer @ sultan-aceh
- Fotografer @ sultan-aceh
salam @sultan-aceh
regards @sultan-aceh
My video is at DLive
pssst .. i can hear the construction work in the background
good luck and hopefully it gets done soon
can't tell whether its a monarch or not but looks like it
and I love them!
thank so much you came to comment
hehehehHi @englishtchrivy
you say is true
and you have heard it
I just take a few moments to find the butterfly
thanks once again @englishtchrivy
Those photos are beautiful..Nice shots.. @sultan-aceh
hehehhai @davidad thank so much @davidad
I found picture number 1 at post @sultan-aceh
Hi @radiv
thank you for participatingwelcome to #xpilarcontest bit of image 13"
Your answer is a picture 1
hopefully be a winner of bit of image 13"
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
Binatang yang unik dengan siklus 4 kali hidup.. lalu binatang yang indah. Itulah kupu-kupu.
Bagus sekali foto-fotonya.
senang mendengarnya tentang kupu- kuputerima kasih @zulia
Sangat bagus foto droe neuh
terima kasih @khairolirol
saya suka postingan andan izinkan saya membagikan postingan anda selalu ..postingan yang sangat bagus @sultan-aceh
terima kasih @hamdani01
selamat malam sultan aceh saya semoga sehat selalu. Saya sudah melihat semua gambar nya . dalam gambar itu nampak sedikit aneh dan jarang terjadi. Karena dalam pemandangan saya . Kupu kupu kecil jarang saya lihat dia berdiri atas ranting yang seperti itu. Biasa kupu kupu itu terdapat di bunga bunga. Tapih kali ini saya melihat kupu kupu itu sudah mulai berdiri disebarangan tempat. Karena itu bukan ranting tapih ada buah nya yang berduri. Saya tidak tau buah apa itu. Yang pasti saya menyukai ini semua karena kupu kupu yang cantik. Dan unik. Selamat malam #sultan aceh. kunjungi blog saya @danur.
terima kasih @danur
Saya sangat suka bg @sultan-aceh postingan abg begitu sangat indah kupu kupu, editan, dan juga pemandangan dari saya sangat bagus bg @sultan-aceh good jobs and the best master post
terima kasih @rezatoga
Saya mengikuti #xpilarcontest @sultan-aceh dan saya memilih no 1...
Hi @marzensteem
thank you for participatingwelcome to #xpilarcontest bit of image 13"
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
kupu-kupu nya indah... foto nya bening..
semoga sukses selalu @sultan-aceh
thaks @bigpower
Resteemed and upvoted @sultan-aceh and @xpilar post, the answer lies in figure no. 1, hope I am correct, and I will win the contest.
Hi @mumin007
thank you for participatingwelcome to #xpilarcontest bit of image 13"
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
Fotografi yang sangat indah..
Dan saya mengikuti kontes ini.
Saya jawab no. 1 atas jawabannya.
Selalu menyenangkan bisa mengikuti Anda. Saya selalu berkontribusi terhadap kontes @xpilar dan @sultan-aceh Terimakasih @sultan-aceh dan @xpilar.
Hi @baretbiru
thank you for participatingwelcome to #xpilarcontest bit of image 13"
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
As per the contest images
The corresponding answer from post @ sultan-aceh after I noticed is picture no. 1
I'm following bit #xpilarcontest image 13 I also leave comments on post @ sultan-aceh and @xpilar, i have re steammed, upvote post him and @xpilar
Hi @adnan-mp
thank you for participatingwelcome to #xpilarcontest bit of image 13"
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
Ya terimakasih @sultan-aceh dan @xpilar
i did upvote n resteem, the answer is picture no. 5 of the post
Hi @hariszahoor
thank you for participatingwelcome to #xpilarcontest bit of image 13"
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
Setelah saya perhatikan gambar Di pos anda maka jawaban yang tepat adalah.
Gambar nomor 1.
Halo @sultan-aceh saya ingin mengikuti kontos yang ada di pos @xpilar. Saya sudah resteem dan upvote anda sesuai aturan kontes. Dan saya juga akan meninggalkan komen di pos @xpilar. Terimakasih @sultan-aceh dan @xpilar kontes yang mejyenagkan.
Hi @jidarr
thank you for participatingwelcome to #xpilarcontest bit of image 13"
Your answer is a picture 1
hopefully be a winner of bit of image 13"
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
i have resteemed and upvoted both your posts as of the contest, the answer lies in figure no. 2 of the post, thanks for the opportunity have a good day 😊
Hi @sheikhiqra
thank you for participatingwelcome to #xpilarcontest bit of image 13"
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
Resteemed and upvoted @sultan-aceh and @xpilar , I will go with fig 2
Hi @mehraab
thank you for participatingwelcome to #xpilarcontest bit of image 13"
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
I follow "bit #xpilarcontest image 13" I found the answer from the image in bit #xpilarcontest on this post and the right answer is picture number 1.
I have resteem and upvote this post.
successful greetings @sultan-aceh and @xpilar
Hi @kaplat
thank you for participatingwelcome to #xpilarcontest bit of image 13"
Your answer is a picture 1
hopefully be a winner of bit of image 13"
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
upvote and resteem done, the answer lies in figure no 3 of the post, have a great day
Hi @zahidmalik
thank you for participatingwelcome to #xpilarcontest bit of image 13"
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
I have Resteemed and upvoted @sultan-aceh and @xpilar posts, the answer lies in fig no. 5
Hi @chaddiman
thank you for participatingwelcome to #xpilarcontest bit of image 13"
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
I upvote and resteemed this post as per the requirement of @xpilar contest, the answer is picture no. 1
Hi @muhasib
thank you for participatingwelcome to #xpilarcontest bit of image 13"
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
Upvote and Resteemed @sultan-aceh and @xpilar , I will go with fig 3
Hi @naqshab02
thank you for participatingwelcome to #xpilarcontest bit of image 13"
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
Jawaban saya adalah No. 1
Saya ingin mengikuti #xpilarkontes big og image 13 Stelah saya memperhatikan foto kontes di pos @sultan-aceh. Saya sudah resteem dan upvote pos anda, dan saya juga akan meninggalkan jawaban kontes di pos @xpilar. Terimakasih @sultan-aceh and @xpilar.
Hi @alfan13
thank you for participatingwelcome to #xpilarcontest bit of image 13"
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
Thank @sultan-aceh
I follow bit #xpilarcontest image 13 I found the answer from the image in bit "#xpilarcontest picture 13" on this post and the right answer is picture number 1.
I have resteem and upvote this post.
successful greetings @sultan-aceh and @xpilar
Hi @tompi
thank you for participatingwelcome to #xpilarcontest bit of image 13"
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
Upvote n Resteem sudah saya lakukan.
Jawaban saya adalah Gambar No. 1
Assalamu'alaikum bg @sultan-aceh. Saya ingin mengikutin contest #xpilarcontest bit of image 13" Sukses terus untuk @sultan-aceh dan @xpilar
Hi @voodoovan
thank you for participatingwelcome to #xpilarcontest bit of image 13"
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
I follow bit #xpilarcontest image 13 I found the answer from the image in bit "#xpilarcontest picture 13" on this post and the right answer is image number 1.
I have resteem and upvote this post.
Thanks and good luck @sultan-aceh and @xpilar
Hi @rezafahlefi
thank you for participatingwelcome to #xpilarcontest bit of image 13"
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
I follow bit #xpilarcontest image 13 I found the answer from the image in bit "#xpilarcontest picture 13" on this post and the right answer is picture number 1.
I have resteem and upvote this post.
successful greetings @sultan-aceh and @xpilar
Hi @gambatat
thank you for participatingwelcome to #xpilarcontest bit of image 13"
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
I'm following #xpilarcontest bit of image 13. Upvoted and resteemed. @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
My answer is image no.1
Semoga benar dan menang :)
Btw, fotonya bagus bagus
Hi @fleurinna
thank you for participatingwelcome to #xpilarcontest bit of image 13"
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
Postingan yang sangat menarik dengan kupu-kupu yang cantik.
Saya suka, saya suka, saya suka
Hello @sultan-aceh, saya telah upvote dan resteem dan mengikuti kontes yang diadakan @xpilar, jawaban saya gambar no.1
Hi @drowkeudrow
thank you for participatingwelcome to #xpilarcontest bit of image 13"
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
salam @ sultan- aceh i want to follow the photo contest to 13.

from the appropriate contest image in your post is picture Number 1.
and I have re-teem and upvote you according to the rules of the contest.
terimaksih @ sultan-aceh and @xpilar.
Hi @zainulm1993
thank you for participatingwelcome to #xpilarcontest bit of image 13"
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
saya telah upvote dan resteem post @sultan-aceh dalam kontes tebak gambar @xpilar
Hi @geuratan
thank you for participatingwelcome to #xpilarcontest bit of image 13"
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
Foto yg sngat indah
Saya telah mencoba untuk mengambil photography kupu kupu tetapi hasilnya kurang bagus, tetapi anda profesional di bidang ini, saya salut atas hasil photography anda. Anda yang terbaik dalam hal ini @sultan-aceh.
TerimakasihAssalamualaikum @sultan-aceh, saya sudah upvote dan resteem postingan ini. Dalam hal ini saya mengikuti kontes yang diselenggarakan oleh @xpilar, untuk itu saya minta izin penggunaan foto anda untuk saya gunakan dalam kontes @xpilar
Hi @helmidvallen
thank you for participatingwelcome to #xpilarcontest bit of image 13"
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
Stelah saya perhatikan gambar di pos anda jawaban saya adalah gmbar nomor 1.
Halo @sultan-aceh saya ingin mengikuti kontes #xpilar yang ada di pos anda. Dan saya sudah resteem dan upvote anda dan saya juga akan melakukan hal yang sama di pos @xpilar. Terimakasih @sultan dan @xpilar kontes yang luar Biasa.
Hi @abag
thank you for participatingwelcome to #xpilarcontest bit of image 13"
Your answer is a picture 1
hopefully be a winner of bit of image 13"
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
Saya suka videonya, semoga sukses selalu
upvote and resteem done, the answer lies in figure no 1 of the post, have a great day
Hi @noorya
thank you for participatingwelcome to #xpilarcontest bit of image 13"
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
I follow "bit#xpilarcontest image 13" I found the answer from the image in bit #xpilarcontest picture 13 on this post and the right answer is picture number 1.
I have meresteem and upvote this post.
Good Luck @sultan-aceh and @xpilar
Hi @hutanaceh
thank you for participatingwelcome to #xpilarcontest bit of image 13"
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
I follow 'bit #xpilarcontest image 13" I found the answer from the image in bit xpilarcontest picture 13 on this post and the right answer is image number 1.
I have resteem and upvote this post.
Good luck @sultan-aceh and @xpilar
Hi @naleunk
thank you for participatingwelcome to #xpilarcontest bit of image 13"
Your answer is a picture 1
hopefully be a winner of bit of image 13"
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
hai @sultan-aceh I am following the @xpilar contest, and I have resteem and Upvote this post. Answers from #xpilarcontest "bit of image 13" Picture number 1.
good luck @sultan-aceh and @xpilar
Hi @randifa
thank you for participatingwelcome to #xpilarcontest bit of image 13"
Your answer is a picture 1
hopefully be a winner of bit of image 13"
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
I follow "bit #xpilarcontest image 13" I found the answer from the image in bit "#xpilarcontest picture 13" on this post and the right answer is image no 1.
I have resteem and upvote this post.
successful greetings @sultan-aceh and @xpilar
Hi @meliana.sastry
thank you for participatingwelcome to #xpilarcontest bit of image 13"
Your answer is a picture 1
hopefully be a winner of bit of image 13"
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
Thanks @sultan-aceh ;)
I'm choice no 1.
I'm following #xpilarcontest bit of image 13. I have left comments on post @sultan-aceh, I have re-steemed and Thanks @xpilar and @sultan-aceh.
Hi @adivender
thank you for participatingwelcome to #xpilarcontest bit of image 13"
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
Thanks alot @xpilar and @sultan-aceh.
I'm choice no 1.
I'm following #xpilarcontest bit of image 13. I have left comments on post @sultan-aceh, I have re-steemed and Thanks @xpilar and @sultan-aceh.
Hi @foways
thank you for participatingwelcome to #xpilarcontest bit of image 13"
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
saya memilih gambar no 1saya mengikuti #xpilarcontest "bit of image 13" you can win Steem Dollars (SBD)
Hi @muftii
thank you for participatingwelcome to #xpilarcontest bit of image 13"
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
hopefully this time I who became his champion .., aamiin ..
An appropriate answer from your post @ sultan-aceh after me
note is Figure no 1.Hello @ sultan-aceh I'm following #xpilarcontest
I have already re-steem and upvote @ sultan-aceh and @xpilar. Salam @boile
Hi @boile
thank you for participatingwelcome to #xpilarcontest bit of image 13"
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
Kupu-kupu adalah binatang yang sangat indah, mungkin kita tidak dapat menyentuhnya, tetapi keindahannya menjadikan sebuah taman sebagai tempat yang sangat menyenangkan. Bayangkan saja jika kita memiliki mimpi menulis seperti kupu-kupu yang ada ditaman, betapa banyak orang yang akan kita bahagiakan dengan tulisan-tulisan kita itu. Terimakasih bg @sultan-aceh yang telah menginspirasikan saya dengan melihat video dan foto kupu-kupu yang dibagikan ini.
Dan saya juga mengucapkan terimakasih kepada #xpilarcontest yang telah mengadakan kontes. Salam saya kepada @sultan-aceh dan @xpilar.
photography is amazing, I follow the contest @xpilar to guess what photo of the butterfly, best regards
Hi @bangone
thank you for participatingwelcome to #xpilarcontest bit of image 13"
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
And there I leave my post along with the answer. Thank you for this great contest.I have upgraded and exchanged both your posts @xpilar and @sultan-aceh. To follow bit #xpilarcontest image 13 And the corresponding answer from post @sultan-aceh is picture no. 1
Hi @fikar22
thank you for participatingwelcome to #xpilarcontest bit of image 13"
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh