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Greetings, surfer girl: D

Congrats on that number of followers hit. It shows that your blog is very good and people like to see it. I only have 1000 and I'm already happy hehehe.

Thank you and beautiful video.

Good afternoon!!!!

Oh I perfectly remember the day when I hit 1,000 followers. All of these milestones are pretty awesome, so of course you can be really proud of you! Every journey starts with the first step :-)

Thanks for stopping by and for leaving your congrats!!

Congratulations @surfermarly! We are looking forward to more of your posts here in Dlive and steemit as well.

Thanks a lot @lisaocampo! :-)


ONE MORE follower :)

Hehe, appreciated! Welcome to the club :-))

Plus, one more follower here! This is so brilliant. Congrats! :)

@surfermarly Congratulations on your achievements. We love your content and with the passion you write. All your projects are beautiful. Have a great day. A big hug. Thank you for always sharing your valuable time and content with us all. We love you dear lover of the sea and good writing.

Have a great day :-)Thank you so much @yeninsfer - both for the contrats and your ongoing support of my blog!!!

Don't know you, but you look like a pretty positive person, no wonder so many followers, all the best :)

Sweet! Thanks for the compliment :-) Positivity is part of my DNA...

Congrats girlie!! We all love your posts here on steemit πŸ˜‹ πŸ’ž

Aaaaw, thank you Charles!! Hearing it from you means a lot 😍😍😍
Let's keep rocking πŸ™Œ

You keep rockin' .... you are the best :)



Congrats!! Very Well Deserved. Saludos desde MΓ©xico

Mil gracias Mauricio!!!! Te mando un fuerte abrazo a MΓ©xico :-))

You are one of the creators on this platform that shines because of the content you produce and not the upvotes that you buy!

You are proof that this platform works! You have put in so much work and passion and it has paid off!

Yeah there was lots of sweat and tears in those two years...:-)
Thank you @knircky!!

Many Congratulations @surfermarly! That's a huge achievement considering those all are gathered organically. I have one question though, What's the longest time when you did not post for a while like 1 week, maybe more or it never happened at all?

Just trying to see how much time it would take me to reach this count. πŸ˜‹

Indeed it has been growing organically, and that's actually what makes me proud, hehe
I stopped blog posting for three weeks or so in summer 2017, but I think that was my longest break. I've never really been away πŸ˜‰Thank you so much @hungryhustle!

Steem on! The best is yet to come...

GlΓΌckwunsch!! Mach weiter so...

Dankeschân!!! War ein langer Weg bis hier hin, aber hat auf jeden Fall großen Spaß gemacht, und ich hab enorm viel dazu gelernt :-)

Congrats! It takes hard work and building relationships with your followers. But it is worth it! Keep steeming and surfing.

Well, two years of tears and sweat, haha! :-D It's been a wild ride but I totally loved it.

Congrats! One of the Original Gangsters!

Haha I take it as a compliment :-D
Thank you, brian!

What an achievement!! Really enjoy your posts and not surprised you have such a high standing with the community.

Thanks for your lovely words, Chris!!! It's been a wild ride, but totally worth it :-)

Congrats! I’m glad to have known you here on steemit. Love your video as always and see you at Sf3!!

I really hope I'll be able to make it to SF3. Currently it doesn't look like, but I keep being optimistic :-)Thank you so much @travelgirl!!!

Congrats @surfermarly! Your feed is one of the few that I like checking out on Steemit!

Have a nice weekend!Thanks for the compliment, @adonisabril- means a lot :-)

Wow, that's one heck of an accomplishment on here. Congrats!

Thanks a lot @oraclefrequency! :-)

Foster Follow you home..jpg

Haha, sweet! :-)

it is look so natural

Congratulations !!!
Its really a great achievement .....
Happy steeming..

Keep riding on the wave of succes! Good job @surfermarly ;-)

Congratulations. Stay on work. Do work hard. I wish more success.

Great milestone! well done, keep going


Congratulations on so many followers

woah 10k! good job !!!

Congrats Marly

It sure is a dream for many to get be there and have 10,000 Followers :)

We love your posts and glad to be a part of your experience :)

what a great accomplishment sufermarly congrats to you and now you have

Congratulations on all your achievements πŸ„β€

Wow congratulations @surfermarly! I'm inspired!

wow, incredible! Congrats!

Tu perseverancia es un ejemplo a seguir,sigue asi siempre para adelante

congratulations for the achievement.
the hard work always pays off.


It's an honor for me to be a follower of yours. You always give me motivation to live a life the way I want. I showed your vlogs to my younger sister that how powerful lady you are in terms of self-made. You don't know but you are inspiration to many around the world Marly.

I pray to God for your long life because your smile is very precious to all of us <3

Congratulations my dear for this achievement.
Looking forward to seeing more. Have a great day



fabulous one.
Very nice i like it

it's a great theme ..great to share....


Haha, thanks!!

Thanks and congratulations for sharing this publication. Great, follow me and I'll follow you friend

congrats keep it up :)

good job, congrats and keep it up!

jhakas baby

good dear and follow you

Keep goingggg...there are still many users to follow the surfing girl. ....steem on

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need to learn from you, because i have started facebook and i have just managed 700 followers, kindly guide me how to increase followers, i will be happy to learn from you

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