This video has been such a long time in the making. At one point, I was exhausted, just attempting to get friends and family to participate, and get the script written..
Later, it was running out of GAS... on the video editing and creative input for background music and visuals.
And finally adding sub-titles, name tags and credits, it must have taken 2 months?
And @chiama
- so many words of critique and encouragement, at the same time.
- she really helped me sort out my original ideas into something watchable
Thanks to everyone that helped out by taking a line in the spreadsheet, and sending in your video clips!
and other's I can't remember at this moment, sorry
This is only v1 and we will polish and show it to others soon, but for now, enjoy!
My video is at DLive
Video came out great. Sends a great message and I’m happy I can now share it. Good job everyone.
yupee...... am so glad i participated although i know i was too much trouble.
Greeat job to the perfectionist @surfyogi ,you are a rare gem.....and the lady with all the qualities @gee1 for coming up with this.
Amazing it is!!
OMG! This is soo incredible, i watched it over and over. Great job, everyone..
Congratulations to the participants. But I agree, steem can rule cryptoverse. It has the capacity, no doubt!..
@eurogee of @euronation and @steemstem communities
I really loved watching it. It came out superb!!! Top quality!!!
Great one yes its iphone......rarest and coolest.
Weldone guys
That was really creative and nice. Different definations of steem from different people with different understanding. I love it
that just make me feel more strong about the steem blockchain and the development around it great video to check out today :)
Great video @surfyogi
I've thought to share this to you ... something that i've wrote the other day
I think you'll find interesting things inside
Feel free to read it
Short glimpse of a soundtrack as well if you like this kind of music!/@luciannagy
PS: Hopefully i'm still able to use wafrica as tag for my posts. I was happy that i could share some sbd's to lordjames for that cause of that school in Nigeria
Have a Blessed Day
Enjoy the links i've sent
Regards @surfyogi
Or maybe STEEM is the APPLE of the Blockchain world!
Omg,very much impressive video about steemit blockchain system.You and your co-producers are fantastic and of course,the are looking gorgeous.Thanks for sharing such an inspiring activities.Steem on friends.
This is a really beautiful script.
Well written.
Nice presentation
Steem is really the IPhone of cryptocurrency.....
Really glad we've finally published this. It was a lot of work on your part putting this together and this idea of crowd sourcing videos is the best idea for a Steemit commercial.
People get to hear the users talk about the platform and the world of possibilities we have here.
And congrats to all those who participated. I really want to believe that steem is the iPhone of cryptocurrency. Revolution at its finestGreat video @surfyogi
Congratulations @suryogi!
It's a great preview and very inspiring. They are intelligent and wise people. Also DLive is no doubt about its quality.
No one does it better than you @Surfyogi. You have a way of bringing out the best in people. You motivate me to do more. You see the best in people and you encourage them to leverage on their strengths. I appreciate you. I bless the day we met. Or rather the day you found me. You know I can't express it all in words but know you this day that I appreciate you. Thanks for the inspiration to write that script.
Happy Father's Day big Daddy.
You are the real MVP!!!
That great was the video, but I can not help saying that I look fat! Leaving that aside is fantastic to be part of this wonderful community as it gave me the opportunity to meet you, great people and good feelings :)
You are a beautiful woman. You dont look fat. Lol
Oh wow! This is so beautiful @surfyogi. The hardwork paid off. Congrats to everyone. Yaay we did it💃💃💃💃
it's a video that contains so much love and so much frenzy as well, it must have taken so many gruelling time to make considering the casts and all, it's beautiful really I love it.
Well done to @gee , @surfyogi and @chiama for pulling out some great work !
Congratulation for the video! That's really great to see all theses Humans of Steem explaining what is it! :)
Awesome DLive! It's fun to enjoy. You make it with an incredible ability. They are extraordinary people. Very cool my friend. Thanks for sharing @suryogi! Have a wonderful day.
This video is awesome and thrilling , the video is also very informative @surfyogi
Beautiful young guys. Very motivating video. I think you are doing a useful job for all of us. Thank you.
Nothing good comes easy. The time and effort you put into the video is really worth it. The video came out amazing @surfyogi
Woo much to learn thanks for the infor, i love the video great work @surfyogi
that's a great attempt.
Making such a vedio is not so easy...
god bless you.
💜💜💜💜💜 I like it dear @sufyogi
And finally the video is out this is lovely look beautiful great work @surfyogi and other steemian hope to future in next video @surfyogi
The video i must say was well scripted edited, Directed and produced. I have to give it all to all steemians in the video. They are gave a succint but impressive and informative details of what steemit encompasses.
And to the chief convener of @wafrica @artzone, i say well done, steemit has been great with people like you around. I'm looking forward to that day when i will be privileged to talk on steemit in a video like this, produced by you
Cool it turned out video. You are making a big contribution to our platform. Thanks for sharing.
Yay....lots of pretty and handsome faces, great job guys.
This is an amazing! Video, Steem is certainly a Crypto above all odds. Love the video quality.
Wow, great work guys... Missed out on this one...
Indeed steem has given us a new face of internet. thanks @surfyogi for this beauty
@surfyogi thanks for taking your time to create this video
I see so much hard work done to put this video together. The crew are amazing. I see passion in them. Why won't you show passion when steemit is the next big thing.
You are right sir @surfyogi that STEEM is the iPhone of Crypto Currency! I appreciate your amazing video. Thanks a lot for sharing the valuable video with us.
@surfyogi, this is so interesting. The video is excellent. Steemit is the best of all social media platforms. It's reward system is amazing. It's so good to know that the time we spend on steemit is not wasted when compared to other social media platforms.
catchy opening bass line, exotic locations and steemians, and captioned for the hard of hearing...great video
Iphone is great, and very cool. I like that. Stay in Steem
My entry new steemjet golden logo plz check my work @surfyogi
Love it! Well done! Keep them coming!
This content are awersome.Thanks for sharing your content
Great video, I love the montage of people talking about how they like steem =) Good job!
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Excellent video no doubt good commercial friend will give a lot of publicity to steemit and all the great opportunities that are there good work @surfyogi
Love your comparision about steem as i agree with you sir no other platform has this many features.