DO YOU KNOW WHAT DAY IT IS TODAY?? IT'S HUUUUMMMPPPP DAY!! Take a break from the middle of your busy week and watch some not-so-spectacular League of Legends play. Today's stream is some good ol' clean family fun; I'm teaming up with my father and possibly my little brother. LETS GIVE THE ENEMY TEAM THE BUSINESS MY DUDES! Please put your favorite music on while tuning in; streams are always best with some jams. ♫
I'm playing League of Legends today! If you'd like to join in, please do! I am on Discord and welcome the company. :)
Wednesday - 3PM ET / 12PM PT
Friday - 9PM ET / 6PM PT
Sunday - 9PM ET / 6PM PT
I may stream in addition to the times listed above.
I'd like to give a special shout-out to @akcakocgaming for the awesome DLive transitions! His 3 minute, easy setup is a breeze and can be found by clicking the following link:
My live stream is at DLive