Skyhook Ninja Fitness. He goes there around once a week.While in Portland, @aussieninja took @karensuestudios, @muffintuesday and I to this awesome gym called
here and he writes about his training daily on his blog.@aussieninja was on the Australian Ninja Warrior Show in 2017 and he's currently training in the hope of making it to the 2019 American Ninja Warrior. I've written a bit about it
This is the second part of the video we filmed that day. It's mostly us fooling around on the trampolines and the giant landing mat.
"Thanks for being so enthusiastic and passionate about Steem… the ninja gym owner still asks me all about it whenever he sees me... your t-shirt really made an impact!"source) @aussieninja (
Back To Canada!
I've been back in Canada since May 18. I miss Portland and California and hanging out with @karensuestudios, @acromott, @muffintuesday and many other of Karen's friends.
There are many more exciting videos coming from my trip in Portland and California but as for me, I'm back to my Canadian routine.
I've resumed my daily practice of Pranayama, meditation, 20 minutes of writing in the morning (not related to Steem), running everyday 10k, a lot of Steeming and wondering about life in general and what should I do with mine, what I should do to live a meaningful life.
The truth is inevitable yet paradoxically it's sometimes hard to come by. I've written and put so much effort into Steem so far, it's hard to try to make sense of it all.
Voting For Others On Steem
Going back through some of my previous post I came across this:
"Attention Is The Most Important Currency That Anybody Can Give You. It's Worth More Than Money, Possessions Or Things." – Steve Rube (source)
We vote for those who we consider have the best influence on others. We vote so that these posts and people receive the most attention and go on to influence the most people.
We also vote to empower these people with a resource called Steem. Steem is a resource in a sense. The more Steem someone has, the greater their power to influence people's attention. (source)
"Whatever we put our attention on will grow stronger in our life." - Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
Steem Is An Important Part Of Our Life
I know Steem is part of the daily life of many reading this. I know Steem is not perfect, yet in some sense it is. Steem is a reflection of everything.
I could be wrong but I've given the reasons why superlinear rewards is a superior model to linear reward. I've written on the issues of linear reward here. (Knowledge of the difference between linear and superlinear is needed to understand my comment)
I've written about the subject on many other occasions. I plan on writing more about it for reasons that should be obvious for those who understand what I wrote about it.
Again, my conclusion on the matter could be wrong but my intentions are humble, I'm always looking to better Steem and the world at large!
Life is not obvious. Life is full of challenges.
"I know now, after much suffering, that the more joy your belief system brings you the more accurately it reflects the true nature of things." Jake Kotze
Some Of My Previous Post
- What Truly Matters!
- How National Currencies Are Created And Who They Profit
- Cryptocurrencies: The Best Investments Of All Time
- Understanding Bitcoin [if you know better let me know]
- Understanding Bitcoin Cash
- How To Buy And Secure Your First Bitcoin
- Empower Everyone, Decentralize Everything!
- Doing Away With Governments: How And Why
- The Only Meaningful Measure Of Success Is Joy
- Cryptocurrencies Stats And How To Invest
- Steem: Where Money Talks And Kindness Rules!
- Technological Abundance
- In The Name Of Freedom
- What I Do And Stand For As A Witness
My Most Interesting Post
Thank You Dan Larimer! You Are A Great Mentor!
Understanding Steem
Good To Know
- I use Markdown Pad (free version) to create my posts.
- How to align pictures.
The Chats!
- Official
- Peace, Abundance, Liberty (Minnow Support Project)
- @fyrstikken @fyrst-witness (24h/7 Voice chat)
50% of the profit of this post will go to @karensuestudios!
My video is at DLive
Your sure did enjoy your stay in Portland, with so many awesome people around, why wouldn't you? Steem sure is an important part of my life, it isn't perfect, but it is way better than other platforms. Things get better as we grow, and it is no different with steem, it will only get better and be the best.
all through your stay,after some great experience. wonderful journey wellcome back.
Thanks for you sir
Wow! Love this article. I’m glad you shared your thoughts about linear rewards. ❤️
He's always a free hearted person
The fun moments will always stick. That was a great jump. Doing acroyoga on those things was super fun.
I love the this quote:
The way Steem is affecting our lives for the better can not be overemphasized. I am a good example. Your supports are always appreciated. You are so dedicated to the Steemit dream.
Keep Steeming.
Your team visited canada .We visited shat gombuj moszid.

I am happy that you journeyed back to Canada safely. Nothing is like home!
@eurogee of @euronation community
Wow!! It's full of fum and energy. All are looking laughable. Thumbs up to Skyhook Ninja Fitness. Thanks @teamsteem.
After some great experience, you're certainly back to Canada, @acromatt said on his blog that you were back, and all through your stay, in Portland I came to even know about vegan food that I never know about, well looking forward to you travelling again
Guess you had a wonderful journey back to Canada.
No matter the number of challenges that steem might have been facing, it is part of life and the good news is that Steem will feed the world.
Thanks for your effort to keep this community growing
Steem has become an important part of our lives especially because it connects with our real life experiences.
This is so true and valuable
Great post.
I'd love to travel around too
This is a basic but deep truth , attention is worth more than riches , don’t get me wrong I’m not saying attention riches aren’t essential but when I have an audience to listen to my songs isn’t worth more than paying me a dime.
Steem is my life now, steemit is what had given me the platform, the encouragement in my career and so it’s not just an hobby , it’s a way of life to me
Steem is now a force of change
very nice films
excelente post amigo, siempre sorprendiendonos
Hello. I liked your post, keep it up. Good luck to you and have a nice day :)
Indeed life is full of challenges and whatever it takes, let us remember that all things works together for good..
Nice post @teamsteem. Apparently, you had a good time at Portland. Thanks for the little things you do to add value to Steemit and empower minnows as a witness.
Welcome back! Can't wait to watch all the fin videos.. What is pranayama?
Steem is not perfect, but it has set a pace that others are following and the most important thing is that, and it has changed so many lives through Steemit.
All of your posts are so organized and seem well thought out, I love it.
Glad you had a swell time in portland. What is pranayama?
I quite agree with this statement and is a motivation for me.
Welcome back home mate!
Apparently you had a good time in Canada. It's very relieving you journeyed safely. Thanks for your effort to creating a better Steemit. I hope this platform would get better and minnow like me would rise like you @teamsteem
Hope you had a great time!
A perfect trip with a fun togetherness.@teamsteem
Hello. Great post!
@crypto-france - Stop before the flags start
I've replied to you 7 times before so @pleasestop commenting this way or I'll start flagging.
remove this comment and everyone can whitelist me from appearing in future posts.@teamsteem - You can
Please reply if my algorithm is mistaken.
You sure enjoy your stay in Portland, with many awesome people around, why do not you? Steem sure is an important part of my life, it is not perfect, but it is way better than other platforms. As we grow things get better, and it does not separate with steem, it will only get better and be the best.
Wow very happy people.
Great gym, very different and a rad name "ninja fitness"! 😁
I'm a new user of steemit. I posted a health. You would like to see this post a little better if you like it and you will be benefited after you post my vote and upvote
Zróbcie wideo w, którym będziecie pokazywali jak skakać na trampolinie żeby sobie krzywdy nie zrobić.
I think we've all experienced that feeling some time, and we've asked ourselves that same question. What should I do with my life?
I understand perfectly that you feel a little "lost" sometimes, but your effort and dedication here have not gone in vain. In reality when you help everyone in this growing community, you are helping yourself. You know it costs the same to serve, help and support the person who needs it than not to do so. The difference only lies in the intention and disposition that one has in life. Why does it cost the same? Because helping or not doing are personal opportunities that strengthen the character and improve self-esteem, if done well by one, but if not then nothing happens, or maybe only a good chance to feel better is lost.
Helping people, providing support, cooperating with organizations, etc., are good acts that improve the quality of life in general. But beyond being a good action, these efforts directly and immediately benefit the person who performs them in that case to you. Look at all the wonderful people you've met thanks to Steemit! Look at all the trips you've made! I hope some day to be invited to some, I would die to know all of you.
Anyway, what I want to say is that whenever you give, you do not have less, on the contrary, you multiply and enrich yourself, a mathematical rule that is difficult to explain. Giving is an act that brings positive energy to people, in addition to bringing light to the world we live.