I use to spend more than 4 hours a day doing things related to Steem and that wasn't counting the time I spent writing my posts. I can't be reading all the posts I receive and even less responded to the comment I receive or at least that's not what I think would be the best use of my time.
We all have a finite amount of time. We all must choose what I put my mind to. Steem can't multiple the things I can focus on. Steem is a work in progress.
Steem has its limits just like all of us have their limits. All of us have a life and want the best for us and our love one.
I hope you can understand that my actions aren't necessarily perfect but there is clearly more than what meets the eye.
I think Steem would be better if it had stayed under super linear reward. Have you read about this? Have you read my post about Dan Larimer? Reading Dan Larimer's writing was one of the most rewarding thing I did on Steem.
Yes I have, you wrote about him Six months Ago, that was where I found out about the deceit word and messaging. I perfectly understand. Tomorrow I will make a post about giving someone a chance inform of encouragement. Like you said steem is a work in progress, if we don't have time for love to be shown to those around us family then we might never be happy nor make others, I completely understand