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RE: DLive is joining the Lino blockchain, moving away from Steem

in #dlive6 years ago (edited)

steemit has 46 million steem sitting in an account doing NOTHING.

You are mad about the ~6-10% of the total returns the dlive team was paid from their delegation?

I am mad that steemit never delegated more to the project.
(it was by far the best dapp on steem)


best dApp? I hope you pay close attention...

  1. @dlive is not a dApp, notice when steemit goes down all dApps go down yet @dlive is up and good? on their own centralized servers.
  2. dlive is a streaming project correct? I remember streaming with them, they instructed me to download OBS real streaming software cause their app sucks!

Oh their mobile app, more of a browsing app, can’t do much except for browsing.

It's called building something slowly with responsibility. was always better. Higher standards. Playing a game is almost 0 original content. Just some audio commentary added on top. Might as well let an AI create videos.