Retro Thursday - Chilling on some more SNES games

in #dlive7 years ago


Starting with Final Fantasy 1 - Mystic Quest I will play this for about an hour, before moving onto Bubsy for about an hour as well. Then I will search for which game will be the next, maybe Kirby's Avalanche!

Come chill and chat with me while enjoying some retro awesomeness!

My live stream is at DLive


Will be starting shortly

dlivelabs is down no?

i started with 7 then worked my way back when i was younger

playing splatoon atm

these sprites are so cute lo

great stream! classic games!! UPVOTED! pLS vote my stream up as well :D thx

great stream! upvoted.. pls vote me back :)

guess I should clean off my tv stand and hook my snes up ;')