Will you be creating a Discord chat for Dlive? So far things are looking good. There were a few bugs I wanted to report, it would be great to have a Discord channel for this project.
Will you be creating a Discord chat for Dlive? So far things are looking good. There were a few bugs I wanted to report, it would be great to have a Discord channel for this project.
They have a slack but I havent seen much activity by admin, Join my Slack workspace! https://join.slack.com/t/dlive-beta/shared_invite/enQtMjc4MzgxNTg0ODg0LTVjYjMzODFjMjcxMTQzOTg2OTRhMGJlODEwNDMwMDFkZGQ2OGJmZWZlZGY1ZjY1YjY2YjM5ZDc2NjA0MmQwZjU
And a few people who stream started this discord, I've found the people there to be quite helpful