A key unifying factor in all people is emotion - by evolving us emotionally, so that we are really clear about what we feel and why we feel it, we can collectively reach agreements about what is needed - rather than be divided as we judge each other for being triggered and for allowing our unconsciousness to direct our destiny.
Reality cannot be denied forever, no matter how hard people try!
Right on! The key is to learn to control our emotion and channel it into better ways to overcome the currently mess. This can only be done through help people to see the truth and also how to cope with it. We have a long way to go but the monkey is stirring 💯🐒
Well, actually - I have posted repeatedly to explain that control of emotion is the cause of most of our problems. Only when emotions feel free and are accepted just as they are can we even have a chance of being fully free and being real ;)
Very true. And this time will come when people are able to do this. I must have missed those posts, happens a lot on here with the platform design it needs a lot of work. 💯🐒